I missed you <1>

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Chloe's thumb hovered over his contact on her phone screen. She debated whether it was alright to call him as he seemed so distraught the other week. She bit her lip pondering deeply and weighing her options.

She sighed, knowing that she wouldn't be able to resist calling him. He was her partner no less, and she needed him. She pressed call with a confident demeanor, bringing the phone up to her ear. She plopped down on her rolling chair, feeling it slide back a few inches as she listened to the dull ring of the phone.

"Hello?" Answered the groggy British voice that she knew so well. She smiled at the sleepy harshness in his voice barely suppressing a giggle.

"Hey Lucifer." She answered softly, relieved that he was doing well. Lucifer jolted awake as soon as he heard her voice, adrenaline coursing through him as he sat up straight on his bed. How he missed her voice during the short period of their cold indifference.

"Detective..." she heard him sigh in relief, exhaling in the same way she did.

There was a pause where neither of them spoke, a heavy silence weighing between them.

"I missed you." He said quietly, the pain in his voice haltingly apparent.

Chloe's breath caught, feeling the tension leave her gut.

"I missed you too Lucifer..." she whispered into the receiver, relief flooding her. Her heart ached upon hearing the pain inn his voice, now clearer than ever.

It shocked her how much she really missed him, how much she needed him. It was hard to get by without her daily dose of devilish sunshine.

Lucifer felt similarly. He didn't like the way they had left things that day, choosing to ignore the pain that accompanied the memory. He was just glad to hear her melodic voice again.

"I'm sorry." They both said at the same time, causing Lucifer to chuckle lightly. Chloe laughed along with him haply to hear his tinkling laugh again.

"I don't like it when we fight." Chloe added sadness prominent in her dark tone.

"It's not fun for me either." Answered Lucifer quietly, the pain returning in his voice causing it to waver slightly.

Another silence.

"I promise I'll never hurt you like that again Detective." Lucifer suddenly said, a steely note in his tone so she didn't doubt it.

"Oh Lucifer you didn't-" Chloe began, trying to defend him in a casual way but was cut off by a disagreeing Lucifer.

"I did. Deep down I knew I was hurting you but I couldn't stop myself." He admitted.

"Before I knew it, old habits were resurfacing."

"I never want to be the monster I was made into." He whispered solemnly, his apology nearing its end.

Chloe felt a knot in her stomach loosen, confirming what she'd known all along; he hadn't really meant what he said that day. Relief washed over her in waves, glad that she had found an ultimatum.

"Lucifer...its all right." She said calmly, trying to soothe him out of his agitated state.

"I said some stuff I knew I would regret too." She sighed, her hurtful words rising up to her head with a wince.

"I only hope that we can move on." She ended on a positive note, hope saturating her voice.

"Of course detective." was his rushed answer, glad that they were back on good terms. He never liked to be away from her for this long.

"Well...um. I've got a case!" Said Chloe, making up for their awkward starter.

"And I could really use your help partner." She added softly, insinuating an olive branch of friendship.

"Ill be there in 20 minutes detective." He replied readily, he'd been missing work lately. Having something substantial to do.


Lucifer parked his car near Chloe's flanking the neat suburban sidewalk that simply screamed ordinary. He scoffed in distaste, swinging his door open and hopping onto the freshly cut lawn grass. Officers and forensic teams were milling about, most of them filing into the sizeable House.

He spotted the detective instantly, the gleam of her golden hair catching his eye and making his heart skip. It was the first time in a week that he'd seen her. He'd missed her, her smell her appalling dress sense her gorgeous legs; everything. She was speaking to a witness seriously and jotting down quick notes into her notebook.

Lucifer knew it was best not to interrupt her while she was hard at work, so he remained standing, leaning on the hood of his car as he waited for her to finish. By this time the rest of the team had finished mooching about and headed inside to finish the collecting of evidence needed. The neat lawn was suddenly devoid of any presence except him, Chloe and the witness she was dutifully interrogating.

"OK, thank you Miss Miller, you've been extremely helpful." Chloe said sympathetically, giving the teary woman a small pat on the back as she made her way off the lawn.

Chloe then sighed in a frustrated way which made him doubt if she'd really been that helpful. She looked up suddenly catching a glimpse of her distracted partner leaning against his back car. Her face broke into a happy smile. How she'd missed that carefree idiot of hers.

He suddenly caught sight of her positively beaming expression and stared at her in confusion. He heard her utter a faint laugh at his bewildered face and began to walk to him taking quick short strides. As she neared, a grin began to form on his face, matching hers.


Chloe threw her arms around his waist, hugging him tight, their bodies pressed up against each other comfortably. Her cheek rested on his chest which rose and fell at a rapid pace, her unexpected outburst shocking him. She pulled away awkwardly, looking at the ground, noticing his distress.

"Sorry I- Never mind." She muttered.

He chuckled and pulled her into a hug, his arms locking around her waist as his force lifted her a few inches off the ground.

"Don't apologize." he whispered eyes closed, melting into her body, ecstasy coursing through him, their contact affecting him like a drug. He needed this. Craved it.

"I just wasn't prepared." He added, laughing slightly.

Chloe smiled into his chest, breathing deeply, hoping to memorize his every facet in worry of any further quarrels between them occurring.

They pulled away comfortably, Lucifers hands still rested on her waist, her hands flat against his chest. Her eyes softened as she gazed into his warm ochre ones, the trust she found in them insurmountable. Almost as much as the love she harbored for him.

She reached up with her hand, cupping his jaw gently, her thumb lightly caressing the thin stubble of his cheek, always fascinated by his perfect face. Those perfect lips. That begged to be used to dutifully fulfill their purpose.

"I missed you. "she whispered, eyes flicking to his lips, a repeat of their conversation on the phone.

Lucifer smiled lovingly, melting into her gentle touch, catching her gentle gaze.

"I missed you too detective. "he sighed, feeling small as he admitted his need for her.

They stayed still as a statue for some moments, just enjoying each other's warm presence, making up for the time they spent apart, estranged by their own malevolent feelings that seemingly enjoyed turning on them as much as siding with them. Chloe smiled after a bit and leaned in, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

"Back to work? "she offered, holding out a hand.

Lucifer smirked and eyed her hand carefully. He sighed and took it.

"Back to work." he agreed.

A/n hi! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter; I know it's not long and its boring but trust me it'll only get better as the story progresses. Things will get interesting; this is sort of an intro to illustrate their feeling at the moment. 😅


Thanks   @Cutie_Cabello me to begin this.

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