My place <2>

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Chloe was only the verge of loosing it, the complete lack of evidence baffling her. She was all about thing she could see and prove so this was the ultimate torture for her. It really, really sucked.

"Nothing." She groaned, head between her hands as she melted into her desk.

"I've got nothing."

Lucifer watched her with concern, having never seen a case that distressed her as much as this one. It was quite a peculiar case, the woman of 35 having been hung upside down on the roof of her own suburbian home.

She seemingly had no injuries that were apparent and she had yet to wait on an autopsy and toxicology report that were scheduled to arrive in the next few days. At this point she should have already formulated a working theory and gathered a few key eyewitnesses. There was only one explanation for it.

"I'm off my game." She muttered, her voice slightly muffled and strangely wobbly as she squeezed her arms tightly around her head. Lucifers head snapped towards her in shock. He head never heard her admit that before.

"I'm too distracted today. I should give this case to someone else." She began dully, the emotion that was once present in her voice, gone. Snuffed out. He hated that.

"Someone more capable." She uttered between clenched teeth, her head still out of view, refusing to accept it.

Lucifer felt anger and disappointment eush through his system. He rose from his seet, slapping his hand on the table, the noise causing her to look up in shock.

"Detective, you are the most capable detective in this precinct and I dare say the entire LAPD." He growled, leaning forward on the desk, both his hands on either side of her drooping frame. She leaned back in her chair in surprise as he leaned further forward.

"Look at me." He murmured. Chloe stubbornly kept her head down in shame, slightly reeling from his inspirational words.

"Look at me Chloe." he crooned, placing  a hand under her chin to get her to lift her head. He didn't need to really, as her head snapped up the moment she heard him utter her name, but he felt a nagging need to support her.

"You, Chloe Jane Decker  are the best detective here, and you will catch the bastard who did this." He said calmly, looking deep into her eyes as he motivated her, kept her spark alive like he did infaliably, every time she felt down.

"You are downright incredible and so damn smart, so don't let that head of yours tell you otherwise. We will solve this." He said softly  releasing her jaw and leaning forward, his face inches from hers.

"Together." he added, a smile stretching across his face as he concluded his speech. She looked at him, shock slowly melting into an affectionate, sickly sweet look that were only exchanged between couples deeply in love. They were just missing the 'couple' bit.

Chloe smiled confidently, looking at him with eyes brimming with love. He was glad to see that wonderful confidence back in her demeanor, having missed its presence lately. She stood up and took his hand from across the desk and held it. His eyes flicked down, his heart pattering softly, like rain on the pavement; frantically gentle.

"Thank you Lucifer." She said smilingly, running her thumb along his knuckles softly.

"But right now there really isn't much we can do without the autopsy." She breathed huffily, still upset by the impotence home team members were displaying.

"But thank you for helping me regain my confidence." She contined, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. Lucifer cleared his throat awkwardly, a blush dancing across his face as he slid his hand out of hers and into his pocket awkwardly, still reeling from the contact, accosted by emotions that already ate him up.

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