Chapter 1

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It was a stormy night. In a remote village stayed an old lady. All of a sudden, the electricity went off and there was a knock at her door. The old lady opens the door and......
She saw one man in black jacket and hat he was all wet and dripping out of water
Hey my cars not working, and I don't have a phone can I use yours to call mechanic,
Man said in soft voice
Yeah sure, old lady said by letting him in
Man introduced himself as a paranormal expert named James warner. He dial the number on telephone but telephone was dead cause electricity went between this time old lady brings a towel and hot coffee for him
Have this son you will feel better, old lady said
Thanks, james said
Electricity will come back soon why don't you have a sit till then, old lady said
They both sit on chairs and old lady started asking abut his profession more and the man started telling her how he goes to a hunted place stay there for a day and write his experience in a book
Oh so you are a writer as well, old lady said
No I just write down what I feel about that place and my manager make is public, james humorously said
Both laughed and they sipping their coffee and chatting suddenly old lady wakes up in middle of conversation and goes upstairs, james find it weird and he was very curious as well so he followed the old lady to a dark lobby having a room at the end he saw old lady going into the room so he head towards the room the crackling sound of old wood when he was walking feeling the silence in the darkness as soon as he reaches near the door he heard old lady talking
Don't worry baby girl he is just in trouble I am helping him, old lady said
James thought old lady talking to her grand daughter and he gets curious and opened a door to see what's going on he turned the handle and pushed the door and as soon he enters in room he faint down and fell from on the floor.
When he wakes up he saw bright sunlight coming on his face he found himself lying on bed of mud he tries to remember what happened with him but his head was about to burst by pain he stand up and looks around him it was sunshine after the rain and birds were chirping he stretched himself a bit and started to find his car keys while walking towards car when it clicked him that his cars not working so he started walking on road to highway
James walked almost a mile thinking what happened with him last night and he saw a restaurant so he entered in the restaurant clean himself and sit on one chair and waiter comes to him to take his order
What would you like to have sir, waiter asked
Yeah can you please get me one black coffee and would you help me with a number of machinic, james said
Sure where we have to send him, waiter asked
Yeah in a village a mile back from hear, james said pointing the directions
Waiter smiled and said sir there is no town a mile back from here there use to be one house of old lady but people said she committed suicide after killing her own grand daughter
James shivered by hearing all those things he was shocked he had his coffee until then machinic brings his car and he continued his journey with this terrifying experience and a good topic for his book

Warner: nights of darknessDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora