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Edit (4/6/2022) : After a long hiatus (and contemplation), I have decided to republish this fic. I hope you all like it.

Hello everyone!

I know that I said I was going to rest from writing because I was tired, and that remains true. However, last night, I was sitting and procrastinating and I was hit with a wave of melancholia, and I thought you know what? I want to just write for the sake of writing and not really write for a goal or a purpose in mind. And so I sat down and wrote and wrote and finished this, and now here we are. (I guess this is how I rest lol whatever)

This is not related to BTPS or LSOB. It is just another plotless tale of two lovers and me just writing to find the beauty in writing again. A fair warning, just so you don't throw stuff at me at the end, this is just me getting that piece of the young MoonlessMondays who liked pain and suffering a little too much. So you know? You're in for a wild ride filled with cheesy and tropey stuff. This piece is also really short and angsty and I'm not sorry about it. JK. Sorry na agad. I love you all, and I just wanted know...write lol. 

The rating is mature for a reason (and it's not so you can copy my smut and tweak it and say you wrote it lol). It's because there are themes not suitable for children.

The story is inspired by the AKMU song of the same title :) go listen if you fancy it. 

All disclaimers apply. You know the drill.

I hope you all enjoy it. 





Lea as Carmela Louise Sarmiento (Ela)

Aga as Fernando August Marquez (Fern)

Menchu as Monica Laurel

Audie Gemora as Anthony Geronimo

Rita Avila as Ramona Andres

Regine as Renata Valdez

Albert Martinez as Alfonso Mendez

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