Chapter 2

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It had been a long couple of days for the avengers,they was constantly in radio contact with shield, but all they was getting was there had been sighting of more than 50 hydra agents coming and going with heavy artillery among them red skull, and they wanted it shut down fast

"Guys?" Natasha whispered suddenly in Steve ear waking him up from the light sleep he had been in. It was 0300 and nat was the allocated member of the team to keep an eye out

"We gotta move, hydra man, about five out, moving this way."

Steve swore in his head as he registered the fact that both Clint and Bruce were already up, packing away the tent and loading their bags. He looked down to see that Peter had barely moved since Tony had dozed off.

"We gotta move him Tony, it can't be avoided," Bruce said as he grabbed Peter backpack .

Tony nodded as he carefully moved Peter head off his thigh and stood up. He swung his own pack onto his back, leaning over and gently shaking Peter shoulder.

"Hey Kiddo, you gotta wake up," he said softly.

Peter groaned as he opened his eyes and searched the darkness for whoever had woken him. Pain lanced through his head as he focused on Tony.

"come on kiddo, we gotta move, Hydra five out."

Firmly ignoring his pain, Peter stood up using Steve' outstretched hand. They all knew that they would
now be moving continuously until they hit the Hydra Base an hour away. As they moved out,Bruce dropped back to Tony' side and handed him some tablets.

"Get him to take these and drink as much water as he can. It's a long trek ahead and he's gonna be suffering."
Tony nudged Peter as they moved silently through the forest. He noticed that Peter was clearly in pain but still seemed able to stay focused.

"Kiddo? Take these for me okay?" he slipped the pills into Peter hand and watched him until he obediently took them.

"Fury, the avengers are about to walk into an ambush."

"Excuse me? How do you know this?" Fury asked as he looked up incredulously.

Agents Hill quickly recounted Her findings, there was satellites located all over there forest in a 50 mile radius.
they probably had eyes on them all this time, Agent Hill managed to get the location of where the satellite was receiving from, and it was the hydra base, they know they are coming

"Tony?" Peter suddenly said softly. He grabbed onto a nearby tree as he doubled over and vomited the meagre amounts of liquid he had in him. They had been trekking for close to an hour and were coming up to the edges of the hydra base. Tony had so far managed to keep the agonising pain at bay by focusing instead on the mission. But he was becoming increasingly dizzy and was struggling to keep from puking. Every step felt like a knife was stabbed through
his brain.

"Easy kiddo, take it easy,"Tony said gently as he helped peter stand back up. He handed him a water bottle which he used to rinse and spit. Tony poured some water onto his own hand before laying his now wet hand on the back of peter neck.

"We're nearly there,Peter just grunted as he concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other.

Nick Fury was gathering some forces to get the avengers out of there, but time was of eccesance, the minute they came in with the quinjet,the mission will probably end up in smoke

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