P r o l o g.

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“Well . .  This looks like it’s goodbye.” A girl with long brown, near black hair said as she gave the male in front of her a small but sad smile as she looked up at him for him only to shake his head at her.
“This isn’t a goodbye. You’ll be back soon, I know it.” Was his response.
How the man that was tall with short brown hair could believe such a thing was beyond the girl that was saying goodbye to her friends in the middle of an airport. Her friends that she had already said goodbye to believed that she wasn’t going to come back, not for a very long long while, so why couldn’t this boy believe her? She didn’t have the faintest idea.
“No, I won’t be back anytime soon. I can promise you that.” The girl said as she grabbed ahold of the handle to one of her bags and started to take a step back, her gaze still on him. She needed to get going even if she really didn’t want to leave her friends. “There’s no reason other than you guys to come back here. I don’t know where I would live anyways.”
Her mother had died in the house fire that had ruined her and her mother’s home, thus being the case for her leaving. She was going to live with her father on the other side of the country and it was safe to say that she was rather nervous about it since she hadn’t seen her father in a couple of years with how busy he is with his tv show.
Ghost Adventures.
It was a TV show that she would occasionally watch just to see where her father and the rest of his team would go. And so she could learn more about the afterlife to understand more of her ability.
“You’ll be--”
“Bryan, let it go. She’s not going to come back anytime soon and you need to accept that. You also need to accept the fact that you ruined your chance. Get over it.” One of her friends said , looking over at the boy that is named Bryan before looking back at the other once more, “Go. Get on your plane and get out of this place. Go be warm.”
She gave her friend a sad smile before she hugged the first four before getting to Bryan whom she merely patted on the shoulder before turning around, grabbing her things and making way to check in and get onto the plane. The girl had to force herself not to look over her shoulder at her friend, this wasn’t a movie, and she didn’t need to know if they were still standing there to bid her a goodbye until the plane was gone or not. She just needed to focus on ignoring everything that was around her, people and spirits, and get onto the plane before she ended up missing it.
She was leaving her old life by doing this, it was something she truthfully didn’t have to do since she still had family in the state of Maine. But going and living with her father in Nevada . . It was something she didn’t want to pass up. It was her father after all.
Here’s to leaving an old life and making a new one, she thought as she eventually boarded the plane and found her seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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