Will's past

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Willam POV
I have been in the woods for so long now I think I should go back but witch way is home?then there is a noice coming from behind me when I turn to look I see a rabbit he was crying!
I touch his shoulder he looks up at me and scoots back a little and says "human please don't hurt me " I won't hurt you are you ok?"no" what happened? "My daddy he left me here before the humans took him "oh no I'm so sorry! "It's ok " he said with a sad smile.do you want to come back to my camp with me? " sure I have nowhere else's to go" let's go!
Glitch POV (in his mind) daddy why did you leave me here I'm scared and have no where to go just then a human approached (normal POV) human please don't hurt me "I won't hurt you are you ok?" No "what happened?"my daddy left me here before the humans took him "on no I'm so sorry!"it's ok I said with a sad smile " do you want to come back to my camp with me?" Sure I have nowhere else to go "let's go!"
Willam POV
We walk back to my camp and we talked for a while.so what's your name?"glitchtrap " cool name I'm willam nice to meet you."you to I guess" he said still a little scared.it's ok you don't have to be scared "sorry I was just thinking of my dad and sister"you have a sister? "yeah but she is with my mom" why are you not with your mom? "Because my mom never liked me she never wanted a boy she favorited my sister my sister still liked me though what about you why are you out here?" Well it's a long story let's just say that im getting abused at home... I say as I take of my sweater and reveling a lot of bruises and cuts glitchtrap looked at me in shock and horror "oh my god I'm so sorry for what you had to go through" it's ok let's go to sleep it's getting late "ok good night" good night
Well finally done it didn't take me that long but I hope whoever reads this likes it sorry if it is short I worked hard😊thx I'll try to post another chapter tomorrow ok byeeeee✌🏻
Edit: also there will be sex and 13+ in some chapters just so you know any way thanks for reading I'll try to post tomorrow ok bye for real this time 👋🏻✌🏻

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