Glitch's past

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(Glitchtrap POV ) We heard a knock at the door we were not expecting anyone and we live in the woods so who could it be? then daddy went to open the door it was humans they were nice at first but then they jumped on daddy he told us to run my mom took my sister and I went to my room and looked it they were hitting the door really hard then I saw my window they were about to break the door I panicked and got out the window and I started running as fast as I could they did not catch me but they caught daddy I was terrified then I was in the woods alone In the dark I had nowhere to go I thought that they would find me but then a human kid found me I thought he was gonna take me away or hurt me but he was nice he said I could go to his camp I told him what happened and he felt sorry for me but he was going through something to he was getting abused at home so we were in a similar situation we slept and here we are now

Willam POV
Good morning glitchtrap "good morning "so how did you sleep? " good thank you for letting me stay here it means a lot" no problem I have to go home now though "can I go with you" but my family will see you and you have to go what I go through every day "I can make my self invisible and only the people or Pearson I let see me" you can do that?! "Yup I mean Im not human so I can do non human things" wow that's really cool can you try now? "Sure I can try" woah I think it worked glitch where did you go I can't see you anymore! (Glitchtraps mind) did it really work I think it did let me try to make only willam only see me (normal POV) note: it is still willam POV:
Woah hey glitch I can see you now "it really worked I don't know if only you can see me though" it's ok only one way to find out let's head to my house if we can find it 😅
Sorry I took so long to get this out I went to a Halloween party and I forgot about my story also sorry if it is short 😕 but I hope you like it I have also been caught up with school it is a mess 😅 well hope you like it there will be sex and 13+so be aware thx so much for reading hooe you like this byeee ✌🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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