Chapter 5

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Can't believe we ended up meeting in the wrong room. Both Klaus and Diego were breathing heavily which made me question what happened in those few minutes we left the two idiots.

"What did you two do?" Five hissed and I could feel everyone in the building starting to panic.

"One of the agents or whatever recognised me so Diego punches him."

"That's not exactly what happened." Diego growled through gritted teeth. My eye twitched.

"(Y/n) you stick with Klaus." Five said without looking over at me just at the idiots. Finally trusting me.

"Why did you recruit them again?" I asked and five sighed looking around the room to find something to use as a weapon.

"I didn't have a lot of options. Where do we need to go?" Five then grabbed a pen and tossed a mail cutter to Diego.

"We first need to get the information about why I'm a level ten now and try to stop that. Along with getting the watches to get you all home. If I remember correctly the temp watches are in the lower levels. While all wanted cases are at the top."

"Diego you're with me. Watches now." Five warped the two of them out of the room and I was left with Klaus.

"So you're a level ten." Klaus said and I scoffed rolling my eyes finding a blazer for him to put on. "Why the old man suit?" He asked as I walked the two of us through the halls.

"The less odd you look the less they'll look." Guards with guns walked past us and I snuck the security badge from his waist.

"So I'm odd." Sounding almost hurt I rolled my eyes as him almost smiling until I knew one of the bodies getting closer to us.

"In this place yes. Keep your head down." Looking to the ground as the tall man walked past talking with a colleague.

"If he's here there's a chance the level ten is. Put on hold the Bombs." They rounded the corner making me sigh. His name is Drake rail, head scientist and maker of the watches. Along with my father. Clenching my hands I grabbed Klaus's collar stopping him from walking as I swiped the card.

"You alright?" He whispered as we walked into the room.

"Just peachy." That man is the one who found out the location that we were living at. I thought everyone one of them was dead. I hate time travel. Computers surrounded the room and an older lady sat in her chair.

"What can I do for you to-" she stopped when seeing my face and went to press the button under her desk.

"Just a little information. Then We'll be on our way." I grinned freezing her on the spot.


We were sitting around for about ten minutes looking through files on the computer. Klaus gasped next to me.

"What did you find now?" I squinted while scrolling through the files.

"They have stuff on here about everything. Five, me, Pogo it's crazy." Going on with the next page is sighed finally finding why I'd been upgraded to level ten.

(Y/n) (l/n) once level seven has now need upgraded to a level ten with her association with the Hargreeves family. With the possibility to destroy Mobius, it has come to management her fourteen years of running may have coursed more harm than good with the testing now complete cloned agents 747 and 309 will perform the final mission to rid the world of (y/n) (l/n).

He worked out cloning. Oh no.

"(Y/n) look at the photo of Luther." Klaus laughed before seeing what I was looking at what I was reading. "Clones? How many have they made?" I shrugged my shoulders looking at the numbers one more time. Why those agents, were they good at there work or something. There was a beeping noise and Klaus and I duck down to where the lady I froze was. Klaus put a finger to his lips shhhing her making my eyes roll.

"(Y/n) Klaus?" It was five. Klaus popped his head up.

"Family." He cheered and it was my turn to shh him.

"Did you find the watches?" I asked Five tossed a watch at me that I put around Klaus's wrist.

"did you find anything?" Five asked and nodding I stood up.

"Everything we need to know. Let's blow this fucker up." Diego was by the door keeping a lookout through the small glass window.

"And how are we going to do that?" Klaus asked glancing over. Five had both hands in his pockets as we walked over to the door.

"(Y/n) gave five a bomb."

"I'm always the last one to find out about these things." Klaus murmured as Diego opened the door.

"It's clear." But the moment we stepped out it sure as hell wasn't. There standing at the end of the hall was two people that I never thought I'd see again, the two people I went back to save and let them die for a second time. My parents. They both held guns and raised them getting ready to fire. Five was shouting at me but I stared wide-eyed at them. Tears rolled down my cheeks and they started shooting each bullet rolled down the side of my shield and while they closed in Five grabbed my hand. The ringing in my ears subsided.

"(Y/n) we have to run!" He shouted dragging me along Down to the next hall. In the end, Diego had to pick me up into a piggyback ride as they ran down the stairs. But there were guards at the doors. Klaus summoned some shit letting us through the main doors the shield I still had up was still protecting us.

"What's wrong with her?" Diego asked as my hands were shaking and I found it hard to breathe.

"Do they have an ability?"

"I don't know." Five said changing the dial on my waist. " (y/n), can you press the watch?" Not moving for a moment there was a loud bang. The bomb went off. "Shit (y/n) we need to go now." Getting some grip on myself I pressed it and I fell onto the floor of the mansion hyperventilating. The walls are closing in, the walls are closing in. My hands couldn't stop shaking as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"It couldn't have been them. It's not real. Not real."curling into a ball I heard other feet in the floor.

"Mum!" Diego shouted throughout the house as Klaus and Five moved me to the couch.

"What's wrong (y/n) were you hit by something. A gas?" Hearing fives voice helped, not completely but with my shaky hands, I wrapped both arms around him crying harder.

"It was them. It shouldn't be them. I'm going to have to kill them. I can't. I won't." Grace and Diego entered the room and she looked me over.

"Oh sweetie just take some deep breathes. Let's count to five alright. One."


"How is this meant to help?" Klaus whispered.

"Two." I went on to say.

"I thought it was an ability," Klaus said to both Five and Diego.

"Three." Grace and I said together.

"It's not.... it's a."


"Panic attack." Five whispered out and the three stared at me, my hands still shaking.

Out of time Book 2 |Five Hargreeves x reader|Where stories live. Discover now