Chapter 1

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As I open my eyes I see the beautiful sunrise of New York City.

If you were to tell me 4 years ago I would be waking up in my Manhattan apartment, I wouldn't believe you.

"Mama! Wake up! Auntie Emma and Uncle Noah are moving in today!"

Oh. Did I mention I didn't think that would be possible because I became pregnant at the age of 15? No? Well, this is my daughter, Lilac.

"Hold on sweetie. I know you are exited. I am too."

Lilac is very mature for her age. She's only 4 but she acts like a 6 year old.

"Can I give auntie Emma the bracelet I made for her last night?" Lilac asks me. Emma isn't really Lilacs aunt, she's my best friend. Emma and I have been friends since kindergarten, and Noah is Emma's fiancé.

"Of course you can. Why wouldn't you?"

"Umm, I don't know." she shrugs

I hop out of bed to go brush my teeth. Man, i am really craving some oatmeal or a yogurt parfait.

As I walk to the kitchen I see Lilac watching Sesame Street. I absolutely loved Sesame Street as a kid. I still do. I'll sometimes watch it with Lilac, but I watch everything with her.

"Mama! Can I have some strawberries and an orange, please?"

"Sure." As I cut Lilacs fruit I think about how exiting today is going to be. My dreams are coming true. Not only mine, but Emma's too.

We have had this idea of moving to New York and having our kids grow up together since 8th grade. I was the one who wanted to move to New York. It's always been where I've wanted to move. Emma really doesn't like being away from her family, but she also likes to go different places. I'm not attached to my family as much as she is, but at times I do miss them. It's nice to have Lilac here though. I mean, there was no chance I wasn't taking her but I'm glad I had her at such a young age. Of course it's made things harder, but the pros outweigh the cons in my eyes.

"Lilac, your fruit is ready. Want water or cow juice?" Yes, I call milk cow juice. There's no issue with it because Lilac knows what I'm talking about. Milk is absolutely disgusting, but it is good for the bones. Thankfully I don't drink milk, I take my vitamins in pill form.

"Water, please."

"Good Choice." I wink at her and hand her a glass of water.

I sit down next to her at the breakfast bar with my oatmeal topped with fruit and chia seeds. Yeah, sure. Call my food choices weird if you want. I don't care.


"Lilac, grab my purse off the table, please."

"Okay, mama."

I hold Lilacs hand as I wave down a taxi. If I'm being honest I'm so glad I don't have to have a car. I don't have to get the oil changed, I don't have to put gas in it. There is just a lot I don't miss about having a car. The downside to taxis is that I have to bring a car seat or whatever for Lilac. Or, I have her sit on my lap. I also have to pay every time I ride in it.

I open the door and let Lilac hop in. I set the booster seat down and she buckles herself.

I tell the driver to drive us to Whole Foods. We need more food and plus I'm going to make dinner for Emma and Noah tonight as a welcome meal.

"Right here. Thank you." I pay the driver and climb out of the car.

"Ooo, mama! Can we get some fruit?" Lilac asks as she tugs on my jacket and points to the fruit stand.

"Sure, but we have to get some other things first."


I grab a basket and tell Lilac to follow me.

"Can I help you, mama? Can I hold the basket?"

"I would love that. Thank you." I hand her the basket and put some Harvest Snaps in it. I love any veggie or fruit dried. Except apricots. Those things can be thrown into the trash.

"What do you want for a snack other than fruit?"

"Ice cream!"

Nasty. You already know I don't like cow juice, but frozen cow juice is just as bad. Don't even get me started on warm milk. I might throw up.

"Girl, that ain't a snack. You even know that isn't a snack. How about carrots or popcorn?"

"Can we get both?"

"Sure." I pick up some popcorn and carrots plus everything else we need.

As I help Lilac put everything on the belt I look at the cashier only to see someone I don't know.

"Huh, Charlie isn't working today?" I ask the cashier.

"No. I'm not sure what happened to her"

Alrighty then. She might be visiting her brother. Lilac really dislikes her brother. I'm not sure why though. I think it has something to do with every single girl drooling over him. Or the fact that he asks to take me on a date every time I see him. Honestly, I don't think he's that cute. He's got pink hair and blue eyes. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I just don't care for it.

I pay the cashier and grab the bag.

"Mama! Fruit!"

"Lilac, you know I didn't forget. What fruit do you want?"

"Grapes and raspberries, please!"

I really shouldn't be getting more sugar. She acts like she drank a monster drink, everyday. At least the sugar is natural.

I pay for the fruit and we walk back to the apartment. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. We are walking back with the bags because Lilac asked to. I have no problem with it, and it's good for us.

"Mama, what time are Emma and Noah coming today?"

"They're coming at like 8 tonight."

"Oh yeah! This is gonna be so fun!"

She acts like they're just visiting. That is not the case at all.

"Girl, you do know that they are moving in, right? They aren't visiting for a night." I giggle a bit.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just really excited."

"I can tell. I am too. Are you going to help me with making the dinner?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I love cooking and baking." She jumps up and down

She really does love cooking and baking. She's just like me. Cooking is very therapeutic. Plus, it's a good way to bond with whoever you're cooking or baking with.

"Come on, girly! Let's get home so we can cook and prepare the house for them."

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