Complex Infinity

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I didn't really start on a happy note did I.....
Because if you think i ment that people like me can't be happy, you're wrong dear reader.
We can be happy, but sometimes we just simply choose not to. Someone has got to be in misery so others won't right?......
It's way more complex than that.
There are people (let's call them the out-systems now on) looking from the side and they can be happy and loved.
They can love themselves it just takes a whole lot more work than it does for basic humans.
Things are way more complex for them.
Probably because they are way closer to reality...
And true reality is infinitely complex....
We all learned that in mathematics there are infinite amount of what age did you find out that it's actually a lie? People just stopped looking after finding an enormous one and guessed that there is way more and there is no point in counting further.
I guess the final number of the out-systems path is death itself...
But as long as you're alive you still know that the path has no end, you just become better, happier the further you go.
I would be lying to you if i said that i'm on the right path myself. But what would i know...i was never good in maths....
Out-Systems rarely stay on their path for long because it's so easy to get lost in infinity.......
That's why we say that the amount of numbers is infinite. No one has ever had the patience to count them all.

And they remain seeking until death goes seeking for them. Until it's their time to go.

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