Chapter 1

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   Rhiannon Grace, looked out the window as the car pulled over, she saw the airport and felt a sense of dread come over her. Her mother, Bettina Grace seemed either completely oblivious to her facial expression or ignoring it, and from what she knew of her mother, it was probably the first.

   "Rhia, your bags are in the back of the car, and don't worry before you complain I've sent your telescope and all your astronomical stuff ahead." Bettina Grace didn't look up from her phone as she spoke to her daughter.

   Rhia wasn't even surprised at this point, throughout her life her mother only had time for one thing, work.

   "Hey sweetheart."

   Rhia tuned out her mother's conversation as she remembered that her mother also had time for a second thing, Gabriel. She rolled her eyes at her mother's conversation with her boyfriend, who within six months had been given more attention from Bettina, than Rhia had gotten during the seventeen years of her life.

   "Mom, are we going?, I'm pretty sure that Gabriel can wait for ten minutes."

"I'm coming just give me a few minutes."

   Rhia groaned and got out of the car, she grabbed her things and gestured impatiently for her mother to follow her. Her mother's only response was a gesture for her to go ahead without her.

   Rhia stormed towards the building, ignoring her mother's yell from across the parking lot.

"Have fun Rhia. Please greet your Aunt Barbara for me."

   Rhia resisted the urge to go back and strangle her mother, with calming breaths in order to keep her cool, Rhiannon Grace left behind her life in Chicago.

   The first thing Rhia noticed about Phoenix was the heat, she felt like she just entered a frying pan. She looked at the maroon colored, two story building that was supposed to be where her Aunt Barbara lived. Rhia gave the taxi driver his fare, and heaved her luggage towards the front door.

   She waited as she rang the doorbell the first time, she grew impatient and tried three more times, after no response she struck the doorbell multiple times to express her annoyance. She was quite sure she was going to break the doorbell, when the door opened to reveal her Aunt Barbara.

   Aunt Barbara had blue eyes that looked just like Bettina's, but that was probably where the similarities between the two sisters seemed to end. Rhia's mom constantly had creases on her forehead from frowning and scowling so much, while Barbara had a dimple on her left cheek and a beautiful smile. Bettina's hair was a dull copper color, while Barbara's hair was a curly brown that seemed to sparkle in the sunlight.

"Rhiannon, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay Aunt Barbara."

"Please, call me Aunt Barb or Barb, look at you, you've grown so much."

"Thank you Aunt Barb."

"Come in, come in, Cheyenne is going to be ecstatic when she sees you."

   Rhia looked around as Barb ushered her in, the house had a very homey feel to it, family photos were on the walls and tables, the wooden floors creaked a little as she stepped on them, and the scent of lavender and homemade cooking filled her nostrils. "Is Uncle Tony at home, Aunt Barb?."

"No, he's on a business trip and honestly speaking I don't expect he will be back for a couple of weeks."

   Aunt Barb's husband, Tony, worked for a major airline company, the job paid well and enabled him to be able to spend most of his time with his family, but sometimes an impromptu business trip popped up and took him out of the state for a few weeks, and it seemed right now Uncle Tony is on such said business trip.

"Cheyenne!, come downstairs."

"Yes, Mother."

   Rhia felt shellshocked as a beauty who didn't look anything like her cousin ran down the stairs, whereas her cousin was meant to be extremely freckled and have braces, the girl had raven black curls cascading over her shoulder and very tan skin which seemed to suit her blue eyes.

"Cheyenne, say hi to Rhiannon."

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