Chapter 2

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Rhia sat on the bouncy bed, and stared at her new room's whitewashed walls, basically anything to stop her from looking at her cousin, she finally gave up and decided to start a conversation.

"How's it been, Cheyenne?."

Cheyenne raised an eyebrow as her eyes sparkled with annoyance and a hint of amusement .

"So it's Cheyenne now, not Cheesy Chungus or Freckle Freak?."

Rhia had the decency to look embarrassed as she recalled the cruel names, she used to call the girl.

"Cheyenne, I'm really sorry for what I did to you that summer, but trust me I've grown in the past five years."

"You put string cheese in my hair, you made fun of my freckles and the cruel name you gave me stuck for over a year."

"This effort is going to be futile isn't it?"

Cheyenne simply left the room, before Rhiannon could follow her, she came back holding a bunch of odd items, Rhiannon stood up to go and inspect the items.

"My diagrams and charts!"

"Mom kept your stuff in my room, they've been taking up a lot of space, and by the way you have to get your telescope and your other junk, and you better not put string cheese in my room."

Rhiannon let out an exasperated sigh, walked up to her cousin, crossed her arms and simply raised her eyebrows.

"Last time I checked I wasn't the only one who caused trouble." She said in a low whisper.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Cheyenne attempted to look innocent as she replied her cousin.

"Oh please, you got your revenge and more. You kept tuna fish oil all over my things and kept the rotten tuna fish itself in my shoes."

"That was for the string cheese."

"I had to burn all my things when I got home because of the fish smell, and what about the neon orange permanent dye in my hair." Rhiannon argued. Cheyenne giggled and said, "You looked like a traffic light."

"I felt like a traffic light, I literally glowed in the dark. I had to cut my hair because it couldn't wash off"

"You forgot about Spencer Earhart."

"You did that!."

Rhiannon remembered irately about Spencer, some boy who got a crush on her while she was here, he had a horrible case of acne, crooked teeth, greasy hair and said the most weird things.

After she left her aunt's house, Spencer mysteriously got her number and constantly attempted to flirt and serenade her, it didn't end until she called the cops on him. During the interrogation Spencer claimed that the number was given to him by Santa Claus at the mall, after that she swore that she wouldn't ever come to Paradise Valley again, which she had kept for five years, a promise her mother had now forced her to break.

"Wait, were you the so called Santa Claus?." Rhiannon asked skeptically. "Nope," Cheyenne admitted cheerfully, "You have no idea the things you can ask people to do for twenty dollars."

"You did that and more, look Cheyenne I'm really sorry about what I did to you, but I was just acting out because of my mom, I hoped that she would at least notice me because of that but she still didn't, I was a horrible cousin just because you were an easy target."

"I haven't forgiven you, but this is a start, a nice one at that," Cheyenne gave her cousin a begrudging smile, "but I've met your mother, I kind of understand your reasons."

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