A larger chance

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''And you really had to dissect cadavers?'' he remembered our subject from 2 hours prior. We were now in his car - his 50 thousand euros car -waiting for the sun to rise over San Marino in less than an hour, on a hill he knew too well.

''Yeah, that's what we did as soon as we entered Med School.''

''That sounds scary.''

''You don't seem the type to be scared by a bunch of cadavers soaking in formol.''

But truly didn't look like the type to get scared easily. He was barely 21, perfectly shaved and with curly hair, but with a most square jawline and perfect nose -and the perfectly tanned skin. In an immaculate white shirt, unbuttoned down to his chest, not too muscular, not too skinny...

''You'd be surprised to know of how much I am scared of.''

''Like what?'' I laughed, eating some cheap sandwich and feeling the wine's effect starting to kick in.

''Like God,'' he said, pointing at the gold cross around my neck. 

''What of love?''

''Oh, it terrifies me,'' he laughed, leaning on his seat, looking at the lights of San Marino.

 I giggled, looking at his green eyes. I took off my glasses, hoping to get his attention.

''Listen, I don't want you to think I'm that type of girl, but, tomorrow I'm going back to Naples and in my laboratory and we'll probably never see each other again and I- I... I will... I won't, I mean..''

''Chiara,'' he tried laughing, but I was quicker.

''I am a virgin!''

He remained silent for a second, then he breathed in, and looked at the city.

''I hate this life. I really like you. I wish we'd have a chance. A larger chance.''

''I would like...you. I would, really. I really, I mean, I hope, but we can't, to spend, time....more...time...''

He cut my sentence, kissing me and covering my ears with his big palms.

''Are you sure?''

I nodded, 'cause if I would've opened my mouth I would've screwed it up. Luckily, I didn't.

Vesuvius eruptedWhere stories live. Discover now