Chapter One

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My name is Krystal Moon and I'm 12 years old. I live with my Mom, Dad and my brother, Charles, and I was never the favourite.
I used to look up to my Dad, he was the Chief of Police and it was a job I wished to have.

My moms name was Sapphire and she always talked about the beach. She used to tell me about adventures that happened on the beach. She had never been to the beach but she adored it. Everytime I asked her why she doesn't go to the beach she says she doesn't have the time. But I know it's because Dad is very controlling over her and won't let her go to the beach even though its her dream.

One day, I was woken up by a commotion coming from downstairs so I decided to sneak down even though my Dad told me to never sneak down in the night. I saw my Mom cowering in the corner with a swollen lip and a black eye. Dad was shouting but I couldn't see him anywhere. Until  he caught a glimpse of me out the corner of his eye and began coming towards me.
"Krystal, what are you doing down here?" he asked with a stern voice.
"I er I came to get a drink" I stuttered as he his eyes bore into mine.
He raised his hand above his head as he said, "Don't lie to me Krystal I told you to never sneak down in the night!" His hand slammed down on my cheek leaving a blood red mark.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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