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~Never let a soul on this earth make you feel like you aren't enough.

~As long as you know who you are and what makes you happy, it doesn't matter how others see you.

~Do not allow your loneliness to lower your standards. Read that again.

~If you're allowing it, then don't complain about it.

~The world is full of beautiful places. Let your heart be one of them.-Jenim Dibie

~Brave girl, promise me, you will not shrink yourself in order to make others feel comfortable.

~Sometime you expect a lot from someone because you'd do that much for them.

~You grow from what makes you suffer.-Dika Agustin

~If you don't get it off your chest, you'll never be able to breathe.

~Because no matter how tough the world becomes, you must never run out of sweetness.

~Anyone that tries to bring you down is already below you.

~You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.

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