Augustus Gloop and his mother

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We all know what happens to Augustus in the movie but do you think it was that simple. Just think would he be able to exit the factory with no injuries after getting sucked up a tube. In the movie it shows that he gets stuck half way while in that tube. You can tell that he is in discomfort as he is trying to move while on that tube.
He is in a tube that is extremely small and with his size you can tell that he would be in extreme discomfort. Due to this he could have got a few broken bones and maybe brain damage. I believe this as as he gets sucked up he gets put in the space with all of the chocolate and could have drowned it suffocated from no oxygen. However, when they try to get him out they would have to use like a "plumbing tool" so he wouldn't get stuck.
In the end of this movie it shows Augustus walking out of the factory still covered in chocolate.

His mother was taken by the Workers to go and see his son. She was already in a terrible state as wonka said that her son would soon be put into a chocolate bar. He said this to her with a straight face which shows that he wanted to do it. What is strange is that none of the parents or children caught on to what wonka was doing.
At the end of his movie Augustus mother walks out with her son but she had a pale look to her face. This part of this story is that the workers had to take all memories of this factory so they wouldn't say anything about what goes on in the factory.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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