The Vast Empty

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Landry took the shuttle into orbit and gasped at what she saw. The great ship in orbit around Wilco looked like some the appendage from some mutated reptile. One great bulbous end had opened like an obscene flower, and now hung umbrella-like over the colony, receiving the massive column of energy that emanated from the planet's surface. The life essence of the colonists, she assumed.

She hung in space a while, trying to think of something she could do, but this was all well beyond her control. At last, the bat-like ship finished its' feeding cycle when an glowing orb--even more intense than the energy which surrounded it—floated up from the surface and into the ship. Landry didn't know why, but somehow, she knew it was Paredes, locked in an eternal embrace with something she loved and feared beyond all human understanding.

The great ship folded onto itself and veered off toward deep space. Landry set the shuttle's nav system for Starbase 4 and went to warp. It would be a long journey, and she would make it alone. She was thankful for that.

Lifeforce: A Star Trek Discovery Horror StoryWhere stories live. Discover now