Fabric Shopping

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I woke up at 6 like usual and saw that Star wasn't in bed anymore. I look around and I see on the night stand there was a note.

Hey Tyler, I had class at 5 this morning there's some waffles in the freezer and juice in the fridge, help yourself, but don't touch my fucking bagels nigga real shit other than that get whatever, I should be home by like 7 or 8


Oh, I'm definitely eating her bagels. I went downstairs and looked around in her kitchen. I found the bagels and put them in the toaster. After they popped up I put some cream cheese on it and got some juice. I scrolled through instagram and texted in the OF groupchat for while. After getting distracted by hodgy's gay ass texts I threw out my stuff and washed my cup. I walked over to her TV and watched cartoon network for a little bit. I heard the door open and my head quickly turned and saw Star.


"Hey Tyler; didn't think you'd still be here."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Cause it's been about 3 hours." 

"Oh but yeah I've just been watching TV that's it."

"Hm. Cool."

"So...how was school?"

"Good, I actually started drawing some stuff for my collection- oh and I'm going back tonight cause one of my teachers have an after school to help us."

"So you're going back...at night."

"Yeah, around 8 or so."

"Ew, does school ever end for you."

"Yeah. Sometimes." 

"Doesn't seem like it; but wanna do something?"


"Ride bikes?"

"Ion have one."

"You don't have a bike?"

"Nope, I either took the bus, walked or used my car."

"That's sus, come on I know a bike place not too far from here we can go-"

"Tyler, if you couldn't tell by the immense amount of time I spend at school, I have a lot of work to do ok? I'm free this weekend though. I've just got a lot of stuff on my mind right now especially with the whole New York fashion week thing you know?"

My mood completely changed.

"Yeah no, I get it. I'm gonna leave." I said standing up

"You can stay Tyler."

"No, I think I should go, the less of me the more your work gets done."

She sighed.

"Alright T, I'll talk to you later." She said hugging me

"Yeah, bye Star."


I left her house and drove home back to my empty ass mansion.


I went upstairs into my room and started working on my homework. A few hours pass and I finally got ally of my stuff finished. I had about 2 hours left until I had to go back to school. I continued to add some stuff to my designs for my line cause I think I was set to start making them and stuff. I started coloring them in falling in love with it. I should skip tonight class and go pick up the fabric. Do I even really need the class...not really. Yeah I'm gonna skip- OU and invite Tyler, he probably would wanna go. I grabbed my phone and facetimed him. 

"Yo aren't you like supposed to be working or something?"

"I finished everything aaand my sketches and stuff, so I was wondering if you'd wanna come to this one fabric place with me and get some stuff-"

"Fuck yeah, I'll come pick you up right now."


He hung up and I laughed to myself. I went onto insta and just looked at some people's stories. I heard a long continuous honk outside. Has to be Tyler. I turn my lights off grabbed my sketch book and went outside. He didn't stop honking until I got in.

"Ugh go, people are gonna think that was me."

He looked at me. And honked again.

"Tyler! Stop."

"Alright." He laughed

"So...where we going?"

Time Skip (A/N hate writing car scenes) 

We walked into the fabric place and I grabbed a cart. 

"Can I see that?" Tyler asked point to my sketch book

I handed it to him and started looking around. 

"Wow, these are mad good."


"Which one are you making?"

I grabbed the book and flipped to a page.


"Oh wow...aaaand you have to hav this done by when?"

"December 10th."

"You know that only about 3 weeks away right?"

"Yeah but I got it."

"Good for you."

I looked at some fabric and found one that I could use. 

"You know, I remember (like when we first met) you said you made clothes too. I wanna see em."

"I just design them, like the pictures and the way I want it made, you know just a bunch of shit I like and would wear."

"I still wanna see them though."


"Can you grab that yellow fabric for me?" I asked looking at him

He just stared at me.


"No? Wha- Tyler; please?"

"Nah I'm good, I don't want to."

"You're such a fucking dick." I said jumping up to get it

I couldn't even touch it, and he stood there the whole time watching me. He sighed and grabbed literally only by lifting his arm and handing it to me.

"Thank you."


We continued to shop and look around until I got everything I needed 

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