A New Member

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The cold October air froze Charlie's limbs as he peddled to South Keystone. He still was on edge about what Jesse wanted. For all he knew, Jesse just wanted to fight or wanted to make a fool out of Charlie and have him show up to an empty building alone.
But to his surprise, yet again, Jesse was there. He was leaning against the crumbling brick wall of the abandoned restaurant. Hands in his pockets and kicking the small rocks under his feet.
"Alright. If this is some kind of joke or something just tell me now so I can leave".
       Jesse rolled his eyes and pushed his dark bangs out of his face. "This isn't a joke. If I really wanted to anything I would have done it. Besides, I need to tell you something important. It's about that weird guy that got in our faces yesterday".
      Charlie kicked up the kickstand on his bike and walked over to Jesse. Jesse sighed before starting. "Right, So we both saw him leave through the alley right"?
"Well, when I walked away from you, I watched him walk to his car that was in the bank parking lot. I wanted to make sure he was actually leaving. He opened the door to this really shitty looking Ford Explorer and just kind of stood their for a second. I thought he was checking his phone but instead he pulled out a fucking knife! Not a little pocket knife, a big ass kitchen knife, dude".
      Charlie's blood froze. Jesse had pulled some pretty stupid stunts in the past, but he seemed downright serious about this. Not to mention, Jesse had gotten Charlie to meet him alone, where any other time he would scream out in a crowd for everyone to hear.
"What do you think he was planning on doing with it"?
"Nothing good", Jesse sighed as he slid down the wall. Charlie sat down next him.
   "I may already know the answer to this, but were you really there by yourself watching kids movies"?
"No. My little cousin wanted to watch them. But no one else in my family was free so I was I was roped into going".
     Charlie nodded in understanding. It was quiet between the two for a few moments, until Jesse cut the silence.
"I'm sorry by the way".
"For what"?
"For everything. For the name calling, the fights. Everything".
"No hard feelings", Charlie held his hand out to the older male, who gratefully shook it.
"So what do we do about this guy. I mean we can't just ignore him".
"My friends and I are gonna get Raven's Dad to inform the whole police station to keep their eyes on him. We will be to of course, like our own little Scooby Doo mystery. Wanna join"?
     Jesse looked at Charlie for minute. Finally he nodded.
"Alright. What the hell".
"Ok. Meet us at my place around noon. Hopefully this doesn't blow up in our faces".

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