✨Backstories✨ part one

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Crutchie: You came from a rich family, your mother was very strict. One day you wanted to go for a walk downtown (this is starting to sound a lot like Hamilton) but your mom said no. You see she wasn't too fond of the Newsboys of Manhattan. So you went up to your room and locked the door. You took the sheets of the bed tied them to the bed. Tossed the end out the window you climbed down and took off like a shot (ha, ha sorry🥺). It's mid October so it's cold out but you don't care. You've heard about a refuge where the newsboys go (or any homeless kid) and you've heard rumours that they don't feed the kids there. Normally when you snuck out of the house you would go to the bakery and smuggle some bread to bring to the kids there. Most of the time no one would notice. Until today. As you were running front the baker and a mob of angry people you accidentally run into someone. "Oh I am so sorry are you okay?" The person says. It's a newsboy an he has a crutch. "I fine... are you okay?" He asks. You tell him you're okay and explain the situation. He sees the people running towards you. "Oh crap." He says. "What! What is it?" Snyder's comin' and he doesn't look happy." He says you give him a confused look. "Could you please get my crutch. I've gotta get outa here." You hand him his crutch and help him get up. He starts to hobble away (typing that hurt a lot) when you ask if you could join him. "Sure!" He said with a laugh.

After the mob stopped chasing you the boy's voice rang in your ears. "What's your name?" He asks completely out of breath. "Y/N... Y/N L/N." you look at him. "What about you." He looks back at you. "Crutchie Morris." You smile and he smiles back. "I know what you're thinkin." He says. This caught you off guard. "Huh?" You say. "You's either thinkin that I'm weak or wonderin' what happened to my leg." When he says this, you look at your feet. He was right. "Hey don't worry about it, I had Polio. And I'm not offended that you think I'm weak... I get it a lot." His smile fades. This hurts you. (It hurt me typing this again) "I just made this awkward I'm sorry." He starts walking away. "Wait no don't leave!" You say but you then feel a hand on your shoulder. "Where you just talking to that newsboy?" It's your mother's voice. "I was jus..." she starts dragging you away.

Crutchie's POV

I got up early because my leg hasn't been doin good. I accidentally woke up my friend Jack Kelly. "Hey... Hey! The bell ain't rung yet go back to sleep!" I explain that I haven't been walking so good so I wanted to beet the others to Newsies Square. I tried to get down from the ledge even though we were on like the top floor. I slip and I'm just dangling there like a rag doll while Jack's trying to pull me back up I finally get back up. Then Jack starts singing about Santa Fe! I join in and then he tells me that apparently if I go to Santa Fe... I would be able to walk again? He really got my hopes up but then I remember that I had Polio so um thanks for that. Then eventually the bell rung. Henry was shaving? Said he wanted to surprise his mother? Anyways everyone started dancing and singing and I can barely get down the stairs. So then we go to Newsies Square get our papes and go to our spots. After about an hour of not being able to sell any papes at all I start to just walk around because I know I won't be able to sell any because there's a new little kid named Les and his brother Dave but I mean they seem cool. A girl runs into me. Knocking me over. She apologized like ten times.

Turns out she was running from Snyder and other people and then I could tell she had questions that she didn't want to ask, I told her it was ok and she asked them it got really awkward and then a person who I believe was her mom comes our way I start to walk away and she calls after me.


"How dare you talk to that disgusting boy!" My mother exclaims. I don't answer. This causes her to slap me. "Answer me!" She yells. She raises her hand then lowers it. She goes to her room and comes back with a belt. I look up... tears in my eyes. I know what's coming but I don't move I don't speak I just look back down. She whips my stomach I flinch. "WHO WAS THAT BOY YOU WERE TALKING TO!" She yells. "No one." I whisper. "Speak up!" She says. "NO ONE!" I yell. She leaves the room after whipping me once more this time on the arm.

All night I couldn't stop thinking about Crutchie. Where did he live? Was he safe? Did he live on the streets? What if he lives on the streets but in a worse neighbourhood than what we were in that day?

Crutchie's POV

"Hey Crutchie! Where've you been?" Race was dangling off one of the bars on the lodging house. "Yea we've been looking all over for ya!" Albert says. He was drinking a container of salsa (which he probably found in the garbage outside of Jacobi's). "It doesn't matter, I'm going to bed." I say... hobbling up the stairs.

The next morning I wake up and get ready for the day. I get down to Newsies Square and see Y/N standing by the gates.


I woke up at around 6:00 am and snuck out to go to Newsies Square. I had to see Crutchie again.

I get to the gate and I wait there for about ten minutes. "Y/N! What are you doing here?!" I hear Crutchie whisper yell. "Crutchie. Hi!" I say waving. "I wanted to try and sell some papes." I tell him. He gave me a hug. "Your face! What happened?" Oh shoot I must have a bruise from where my mom hit me last night. "I ran into a door anyways that doesn't matter!" I say. "Can I please sell some papes?" He looks at me and says. "Fine! But listen you need to get changed. Come with me and you I'll figure something out." He grabs my wrist and drags me away. He wasn't lying about him not being weak.

We get to a lodging house and he brings me upstairs. "Here go... find somewhere to put these on. Meet me at the bottom of the stairs. Don't step on anyone especially not Race." I find a small empty room where there was no one in it. I put on the clothes that Crutchie gave me. They were really big on me but he gave me a belt for my pants so that was thoughtful. I went down the stairs and he gave me a hat. "Here yuh go. Tuck your hair under and out the front of your hat so that you look more like a boy." I did and he gave me two thumbs up. "Perfect." I heard voices coming from upstairs. "Time for you to meet the others." He said with excitement. A few moments later and there were about 16 boys gathered around. "HEY! SINGLE FILE LINE!" Crutchie yelled. I have never heard him yell before and I don't think the others have either because they all looked terrified and went into a line.

They all introduced themselves and we went to sell the papes.

Ok so I'ma go write an entire fanfic right now using this as a base and yea😂

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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