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"Big Brother's about to go live," Tej says as he syncs with the CCTV's cameras before he and Riley look at all of the screens. "Damn, you can't flick a booger in London without somebody noticing." Rome then sneaks up behind before picking up the harpoon gun that Han had brought back. "Hey! Don't touch that. That's nothing to play with, man."
"What's the problem?" Rome asks as Tej walks over to him.
"That's high tensile titanium cable," Kassidy answers him as she walks over, to see what stupid thing that her brother is doing now.
"What does that mean?" Rome asks her, causing her to roll her eyes.
"That's what they use to anchor buildings and hold up bridges, stuff you know nothing about!" Tej explains before taking the gun from him. "See, now, their version, it works cool, but mine, masterpiece. See, I reversed the gears, torqued the motor, and added this tank to the back." Tej removes a cover to reveal a NOS tank.
"That makes it even sweeter," Rome says as he takes the gun back from Tej.
"It's not dummy proof," Kassidy tells her brother, looking at Tej for him to do something before something bad happens.
"Man, I've been known to handle big guns. Relax," Rome argues with them.
"You've been known to handle that big ass head," Kassidy retorts causing Tej to laugh and give her an high five, as Han walks over to Dom.

"Hey, Dom," Han says as Dom walks over to him. "I did some checking, asked around, got the location of a street race tonight." Rome accidentally shoots the the gun causing the harpoon to stick in the wall between Dom and Han, who turn to glare at him as he shoves the gun into Tej's hands. Tej points at Rome, who starts looking around as if it wasn't him.
"Idiot," Kassidy says as she slaps the back of Rome's head, while glaring at him before looking to make sure that Dom is okay.

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