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It's been a week since i joined the host club to pay off my debt, and the twins have started getting flirty... which Haruhi told me was a normal occurrence... But there is one Host that i can't keep my eyes off of... Kyoya~Senpai... there's been times where I've been staring at him and accidentally spilling the tea on the table.. today was one of those days... I immediately apologize to the lady and clean up my mess... Kyoya~Senpai gives me a cross look when I stand up and I know I'm in trouble after the club as he writes something down in his notebook...


"Y/N..." Kyoya said obviously annoyed "Care to explain why you've been so distracted lately?"

"U-Um" i stutter nervously "I-I've just been b-busy thinking about things! y-yeah thats it..."

"I've had to add 5,000 yen (about 50 USD) to your debt with how much tea you've spilled in the last few days!" he says obviously annoyed with me "You need to stop your mind from wandering... Start paying more attention to the other ladies and less attention to me..."

"Y-Yes Kyoya~Senpai" I blush brightly realizing he's noticed me staring at him "I will try my best..."

"Good..." he says as he walks out of the school leaving me in the hallway alone

"That will be easier said then done" I mumble to myself as I start to walk home

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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