The Young People Will Win

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Ghandi once said "You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty". But now even the oceans are dirty and what have we accomplished? Children separated from their parents at the border, most of whom will never see their parents agian. Fossil fuels destroying out ozone causing ultra violet rays to hit the earth. Species are going extinct before we even have time to fully study them. All while our president stands by playing golf and comparing himself to some of the greatest presidents of all time. And yes those presidents weren't perfect in any way, shape, or form but they were much better then Donald Trump. 

The young people will win. The older folk have fucked up our planet. There are good people and bad people, both make up our elders. Regardless of whether they are good people or bad, our world is still fucked up. So, you have a choice. You could continue to try and blame others or the government or other countries or, you could stand up and fight. Fight for the age requirement for voting to be brought down to 14, eat the rich, ban guns, kill then with kindness, we say black lives matter not because only black lives matter but because when you said we the people we, apparently didn't include black, latin x, indigenous people, and any one who isn't a white supremacist.

What our president is doing is wrong. And not just our president, the whole of white supremacists. Homophobic, racist, transphobic, sexist, ect. People need an island. We should buy and island and stick all those people there. Do you know how many problems that would solve?

We fight for peace. We fight for policy. We fight to defund the police. We fight to ban guns. We fight for change. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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