Chapter two - Help

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Roy's head was spinning. The sudden movement of Jason pulling him up made his stomach churn. But he tried to suppress the feeling. What did he even have to throw up? Roy couldn't remember the last meal he even ate. Hence why he obviously felt hungry. His throat was dry, which resulted in every one of his breaths sounding hoarse. This was probably brought on by lack of water intake or because they were the effects the drugs had on his body. The white in his blue eyes were all bloodshot. Every time Roy moved his eyes it felt scratchy and just overall irritated.

But his red eyes investigated Jason's blue ones. The truth was out. And he could indubitably see the rage that filled his mate's pupils. Jason's anger was also obvious from how tightly he was holding the junkie's shirt. His knuckles were going pale. Roy's breath was a bit delayed, but Jason's were deep and heavy.

"Harper, what the fuck is all this?" Jason snapped, using his free hand to gesture to the clutter on the coffee table.

Roy didn't appreciate the way that Jason spoke to him. He had a headache and the Robin's deafening voice was leaving his ears ringing. "You know exactly what it is, so fuck off" Roy retorted with a low grumble. He somehow pulled free from Jason's grip and leaned forward. This sudden movement made him dizzier for a moment, but he quickly recovered.

"Heroin? Cocaine? You're such a fucking moron! How long has this been going on for?" Jason queried, standing tall. He crossed his arms tightly across his chest, attempting belittle him. And this action did make Roy seem inferior.

"Long enough" Roy shrugged, having a don't care attitude in his voice. He leaned over to the coffee table and rubbed his nose slightly before he went to hover his head over the rows of powder. This made Jason's eyes widen even more. Without thought, Jason quickly wiped his hand along the surface, sweeping the substance to the floor. The powder flew all over the carpet, most of it becoming lost in the fibers.

"You cunt!" Roy snarled, quickly getting to his feet. It took him a few seconds to find his centre of gravity. "That cost me!"

Jason couldn't help frown. Seeing how desperate and angry he got over something so stupid made Jason frustrated. "Tough! It's going to cost you your life" he growled.

Roy's breath now picked up in pace. Out of anger, he formed a fist and immediately went to swing it at Jason's jaw. But the vigilante caught his fist in his hand easily. Roy's body was so weak. He could barely even stand so he shouldn't even have attempted to punch him in the first place. "Don't fucking touch me" Roy barked, trying to pull his fist free. Though Jason had a different idea. Hastily, Jason spun the archer around and held his arm painfully behind his back.

"Argh" Roy groaned as pain shot through his body in waves. Though he didn't try to fight Jason. He just leaned his body back against his friend. It was too much effort to stand on his own. He was exhausted. Physically and mentally. "Let go" he whimpered. And after a small thought, Jason did just that. He tossed Roy back onto the couch before he left the room for a moment.

He came back a few minutes later with a garbage bag. "This needs to stop" Jason spoke easily. He took a few long strides over to the coffee table and began to clean it off. He filled the bag with the empty alcohol bottles, the assortment of needles, the elastic, the other supplies along with the bag of the rest of the white powder.

Roy sat on the couch, wincing as he tried to find a comfortable position. Seeing Jason throw out all of his belongings was annoying to say the least. But part of him was also slightly relieved. Only because Roy couldn't do it himself. And the ginger knew this wasn't healthy. He knew he needed help. But he was too ashamed to ask for it. Deep down he wanted to stop this, but his body and mind wasn't letting him. He was an addict. "Why did you come here?" Roy panted, still trying to recover from the action a few moments ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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