15 Years ago

639 7 2

Seoul, South Korea 2039.

a young 10 year old boy, Daniel Dae Kim was no popular kid, getting bullied, his things being smashed by bigger, ungrateful kids at school. Miserably, in the rain he walks home wanting to run away but soon, everything would change....

the boy heard strange roars from above and soon the entire city was thrown into panic as it was being attacked by an unknown giant creature

the people of Seoul broke into panic, everyone screaming to get to safety as the Kaiju was wreaking havoc.

the young Daniel ran to a nearby building and managed to get up to the high roof. There, he saw the monster destroying the city.

It was King Ghidorah, Alien Kaiju, leader of the Alien faction and ruthless cold destroyer. He shot at planes and some buildings with his deadly lightning breathe, they exploded to the boys horror.

Daniel(Child): oh no...this is horrible...the world is ending *in tears*

then, Ghidorah fired his lightning breathe straight at the building Daniel was on it burnt up the lower part of the building, making it slowly tilt forward, Daniel at the very top of the building tried to hang on but slipped off and fell to the ground far below!

Daniel(Child): aaaaaaagghh!!!!

then, out of nowhere, a moth like creature flew from the clouds, swooped down and Daniel landed on the kaijus back before flying dodging the lightning from Ghidorah. This Kaiju was Mothra, Queen of the Monsters.

Daniel(Child): *opens eyes and finds himself on Mothra's fluffy back*

Mothra: your safe now sweet child

King Ghidorah: *fires lightning*

Mothra dodged the lightning and landed on the nearby hills and gently dropped Daniel off

Daniel(Child): who are you..an alien?

Mothra: i am Mothra, Queen of the Monsters and one of Eath's defenders

Daniel(Child): wow

Mothra: stay here safe, little one *unveils wings and flies at Ghidorah*

King Ghidorah: die! *shoots lightning*

Mothra: *dodges the first and second bolt, but then is hit by the third bolt* ugh!!! *falls to the ground*

that's when a large pterodactyl like creature swooped in and slashed Ghidorah with it's fiery wings, it was the ferocious fire Demon, Rodan

Rodan: you never give up, do you Ghidorah?

King Ghidorah: not until all of you are dead! *Attacks*

The two kaijus fought hard until Ghidorah had Rodan in a painful hold

Rodan: ugh!! Mothra! a little help here!

Mothra: *gets up* hang on! *attacks Ghidorah with her stinger* 

Ghidorah: *gets mad  and then uses two of his heads to grab her and Rodan and hold them close*

Mothra: guh!!

Rodan: damn!

King Ghidorah(Ni): yes, bite down on their throats!

Rodan: ack...all three of your breathes..could use a mint!

Mothra: no time for puns, Rodan! *struggles*

King Ghidorah(Kevin): Why you!! *bites down hard as red blood spouts out of Rodans neck*

Rodan: guh!!!

Mothra: Rodan! *is also bitten harder* ugh!!!

King Ghidorah(Ni): *sees blood spouting out from Mothras neck* Yes bleed you pathetic beasts  writhes like cowards nobody can hear you scream!

Daniel(Child): no!

Rodan: ugh...!! can't..give up!!

both Kaijus were having their energy drained from them into Ghidorah

Daniel(Child): *Watches all from the hill* no...wait..what's that?? *sees a creature begin to rise up from the ocean*

King Ghidorah: what?? *drops both*

Mothra and Rodan both look

Mothra: Godzuki!

Rodan: now you got triple trouble!

King GHidorah: i should have known...

up from the depths of the ocean, rises the King of the Monsters, the great Kaiju himself, GODZILLA as he let's out a large roar

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