The plan in action

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I woke up with a smile on my face. I remembered what happened last night and about the plan and smiled wider if possible. "Ashley! Stop being a dick!!" Jinxx shouted. Oh Jeez... I got up and walked out to see a sight that was....

CC was being very inappropriate with a Popsicle while Jake video taped him. And he wonders why he's called gay? Ashley was wearing some girl's bra and leather pants with Jinxx's phone in hand. Jinxx was only in boxers chasing him around for his phone while Ashley read his messages out loud.

I backed away slowly trying to remain unnoticed which as always failed. "Andy!" CC screamed running to me and dropping the Popsicle in Jake's lap. "AHHHH!" I screamed and ran to the bathroom. "Fine be that way." They all said and it went quiet. I sighed and chuckled at my idiotic brothers. I looked at the clock and saw it was 10:00. "Better get ready" I said happily and a smile made it's way onto my face. SWS made sure to park next to the Bvb bus so if we needed to quickly run back. We could. We were at the venue so at noon I could just go straight there. Yes!!

I woke up with a smile on my face as I remembered last night and the plan. I looked at the time on my phone and saw it was 10:30. I jumped out of bed and got some clothes. I ran to the shower and did my business. When I got out it was 11:00. "Shit shit shit" I said in a whisper.

I put on a black sundress with my red converse. I straightened my hair and put on a thin ring of eyeliner. I looked in the mirror one last time and walked into the living room. I saw a very familiar blonde on the couch. "Haley!!" I squealed. She squealed and hugged me. "Have fun" she whispered in my ear. I froze right there.

"Calm down. I think it's romantic what you guys are doing." She said and I nodded. Jayy came in from the kitchen and looked at my outfit. He raised an eyebrow. "I'm going to hang out at the SWS bus for a while." I said and he nodded. "Alright. Have fun." He said and I looked at the time again. It read 11:55.

I said bye to Haley and ran out. I saw Kellin waving me over. I ran to him and hugged him. "Thank You" I whispered in his ear. "Anytime kid. He's inside." He said and I sprinted inside. Andy was standing there with his arms wide open and ready for me. I ran into his arm as and hugged him around his neck. "I missed you" He whispered in my ear. "Me too" I said looking into his blue eyes.

He kissed me for a couple minutes until someone cleared their throat behind us. I turned around to see Kellin. We nodded and snuck to Andy's tour bus. "Ah the rebels are here." Jinxx said and I chuckled. "Hey guys" I said and they all nodded a hello. "Come on" Andy said and led me to the back lounge.

We ended up talking for a few minutes. I told him the short version of my past. "You know I think it's pretty hot that you use to be a street fighter." He said and I giggled and rolled my eyes. "I saw that." He said. "You were meant to." I said and looked back into his eyes. He kissed me softly. That didn't last long though.

The soft kiss somehow became rough and he ended up on top of me. "No further than this yet" I said and he nodded. We kissed and laughed because Andy was struggling to not fall off the small couch. Then my phone went off. "Kellin" We both said at the same time. Andy sat up as did I.

"Get over here! Jayy's coming!" I read the text out loud. "Go!" Andy said and I pecked his lips. "Bye Guys!" I hollered and ran to Kellin's bus. I wasn't winded luckily and I plopped down next to Justin. "Have fun?" Kellin asked and chuckled. I nodded and then there was a knock at the door. Jack got up and answered the door. "Hey Jayy. She's in here." He said and let Jayy in.

"Hey Jayla. Want to come for some ice cream?" He asked and I nodded. Jayy walked out and I hugged Kellin. "Thanks guys" I said and Gabe spoke. "We told MIW about this and they said they would help out." He said and I nodded. "Bye" I said and walked out to see Jayy waiting for me. We walked to the bus and as we were coming up to the Bvb bus I saw Andy and CC outside smoking.

Jayy pushed me to his other side away from them and they all glared at each other. I felt tears come to my eyes and Jayy spoke to me. "Remember what I said. Stay away from them." He said in a stern voice and put a protective arm around my waist. "Bu-" I tried to speak but he cut me off "Jayla!" He said in a stern voice. I nodded and I saw Andy and CC's jaw clench. I looked ahead to see Hayley smiling sadly at me. I knew she heard everything.

After Jayla left I went to the front lounge with the rest of the guys. "Have fun?" CC asked and I nodded. "You really like her. Don't you?" Jinxx said and I nodded. "I need a cigarette" I said and stood up. "Me too" CC said and we walked out.

We talked for a couple minutes and we saw Jayla and Jayy walking by. Jayy pushed her to the side away from us and glared. We did the same and I saw tears in Jayla's eyes. It broke my heart and pissed me off. "Remember what I said. Stay away from them." Jayy said in a stern voice. My jaw clenched as did CC's at how he spoke to her. "Bu-" She tried to speak but he cut her off. "Jayla!" He said and she nodded. They kept walking and I sighed. CC patted my back and we went inside to get ready for the show.

Living Life with my brother Jayy Von Monroe (Andy Biersack Love Story) // Sequel is out now! \\Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora