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" We have, strong electrolytes and weak electrolytes, " Mr Garret voice faded away.

Ace's thoughts invaded his mind in the middle of the class, he looked out of the windows, he's always looking out of the window.

Mr Garret got tired of scolding him to pay attention to the lessons, he would always ask him suddenly but Ace already knows what they are talking about, he's smarter than most of the students in his class.

Ace always does that in winter, staring out the window and wait for spring, he hates winter and hates the end of the year.

Ace's favourite thing about winter is when it's over.
Ace gets weak in winter, he would be left alone, sick and in pain while his family goes to have a good time on their vacation.

He always stays alone in winter.

He prays that this winter will be gentle and a kind season of rest from the wheel of the mind.

" Ace?" Ace snapped his head towards Mr Garret's voice, the classroom is empty of students, Ace looked at Mr Garret with a blank face that is out of emotions.

Mr Garret is younger than the other teachers in school, he's twenty-four.

" Is there something wrong Mr Alastar?" Me. Garret asked and looked at Ace who was still sitting alone.

" No, " Ace whispered, he packed his books and left the classroom.

Me. Garret noticed the emptiness in his eyes, he's worried about Ace's well being.

Ace sighed and looked at jack's disgusting eyes who was slamming his against the blue locker.

" Where is my money, rich boy?" Jack taunted.
Ace didn't reply, he just looked at him without any kind of emotions on his face.

" answer me, " Jack screamed again but it didn't shake Ace's calmness all, Getting hit is part of the job.

He smiled and looked at the blood on his hands, his mouth is full of blood but he can't feel any kind of pain.

He doesn't mind getting punched in the face. It kind of wakes him up and gets him to feel something, that punch didn't do anything.

He let out a laugh, and then he put his hand over his mouth like he was angry at himself.

He doesn't know why he's laughing neither do the people around him.

" What's going on in here?" Me. Garret's loud voice echoed through the hallway.

No one answered him and Ace kept on laughing, tears blurring his eyes and slipping out of his eyes.

He's breaking down into sobs in front of everyone's sights.

" Go to your next classes" Mr Garret shouted,

" Go to the office jack, " He glared at Jack and all of them scurried away from the scene.

Ace is still leaning on the lockers, his sobs are fading away along with his consciousness.

" Ace?" he can not reply, his tongue is heavy and his eyes are much heavier than anything else.

he felt the whole vision turn to darkness and his very feet give way. His head went round; he was going; he had gone.

" your brother is here to pick you up, " Ace is heading to the front door to go to the house that he's never called home.

He woke up on a stiff bed, the nurse room had become one of the most rooms that Ace attended.

Mr Garret was sitting beside the bed and looking at him without saying a phrase.
The nurse interrupted when she announced that his brother is here to pick him up.

His brothers Rolls Royce brought the attention of the teenager's eyes, his brother is leaning on the car with his black shades on.

Ace sighs and walks towards the car.
" who did that?!" Andrew asks and Ace can't decide if he's making fun of or not.

" why would you want to know?!" Ace asks with an exhausted voice.

" who did it?!" Andrew asks while gritting his teeth.
Ace huff's and leads the way to the cafeteria and Andrew is not far away behind him.

All of them are looking and it irks him.
The cafeteria is a cacophony of loud chatter, each table a cosseted huddle of people raising their voices to be heard.

Ace's eyes move towards a laughing jack,  he walks towards him and jack notices him.

" here comes the pussy, " Jack says and he laughs at his remarks.

" Ace, " Andrew calls and hands Ace his sunglasses.

Jack was peeking at them in curiosity.
Ace grabs it and backs away.

" get up, " Andrew demand while looking at jack.

Jack chuckles and looks at his friends while standing.
" Aw, you brought your buddy, " Jack says while looking at Ace.
His friends are laughing like idiots.

Let's say that Jack was all purple and blue after about five minutes.
Andrew sighed and rubbed his bruised fist, he looked over Jack's group and glared.

" touch my fucking brother again and you will fucking regret it, " He said and dragged his numb and still brother out of the school and to his car.

Ace didn't know what to say, why is he defending him? What's happening? Did his mind get out of control and fucked him up more?

He didn't feel it when he started his panic attack episode again.

His breaths come in gasps and he feels like he will blackout. His heart is hammering inside his chest as it belongs to a rabbit running for its skin.

The attack becomes absolute, shutting his body down as fast as punching a biochemical reset button.

He didn't know it when his brother hurried him inside their mansion.

" you're okay, " Andrew whispered and rocked his brother in his warm embrace.

It's Ace's first time.

" Ace?" A voice whispered.
Andrew looked at Asher and sighed.

" come here, " he gestures for him, Asher ran to Ace, he hugged him so hard.

Ace did calm down and without a word, he retired to his empty and shallow room.

Asher and Andrew stood still in their places.
" why is Ace sad?" Asher asked with a crack in his voice,  teary eyes and a pout.

" life is hard on him, unfair "

How is it?!

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