Chapter 6

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The car ride was awkward and silent as Tori flashed me suspicious glances.

"You were awful red when I found you in the hall." Tori raised her eyebrow at me.

I wanted to tell her the truth, but I knew nothing would come of it. If these twins were really as 'untouchable' as everyone claimed, what good would it come?

I was still completely torn about what actually happened. They had touched me against my will, kissed me against my will. If it was all against my will then why did I enjoy it so much? Why did some part of me want this to happen again?

I chalked it up to reasonable insanity and due to the fact the twins were irresistibly hot.

After claiming innocence a million and one times, Tori reluctantly stopped interrogating me.

I navigated the house carefully, nearly jumping for joy when I saw Frank snoring on the recliner. I flopped down on my bed after finishing some homework and touched my head angrily.

It wasn't even sore anymore.

A muffled ringing pulled me from the bed and I searched for the crappy phone Melissa had gotten me.

Our social worker practically demanded Melissa provide me with a cellphone. So Melissa being Melissa, she got me the lowest quality phone possible. I didn't even know they made those chunky flip phones anymore. The only thing this phone was good for is calling people.

"Hello?" I sighed, already knowing who was on the other end.

The only person who called this phone was the social worker.

"Hello, Aurora." Jenny, my social worked for the last couple years chuckled. "Just calling to check up on you and to see how everything's going."

"Everything is the same." I shrugged, "Not bad, just the same."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Aurora." Jenny sighed, it was no secret Melissa never wanted me. "We've actually just gotten word your Father's been sending checks written out for you, and I wanted to see how they were helping."

I snickered, "It's been years and you just got word now?"

"Your Father's a pretty private person it seems." Jenny chuckled. "They should fill up your college fund pretty fast."

"Yeah, if I had gotten any of them." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

Melissa was expecting the next check any day now. No doubt she'd make some snide comment once she received it.

There was a pause on the other end, "You haven't gotten any of the checks?"

"Melissa's gotten them just fine." I shrugged. I had long ago given up on receiving any of the checks, not that I'd want anything from an absentee sperm donor.

Another long pause.

"I see." Jenny sounded irritated, "Thanks for the info, Aurora. I'll see what I can do to fix that."

"Don't bother." I shook my head, "I haven't gotten any since Grandma died and I really don't feel like hearing Melissa yell at me."

"If you say so." Jenny sounded unconvinced.

Sleep didn't come easy that night. The twin's plagued my dreams as though tormenting me in real life wasn't enough.

I woke from sleep with a couple ragged breaths. My dream was set at school, where the twins hurled cruel insults my way. After the insults they dragged me into a closet and picked up where they had left off in real life, leaving me even more confused.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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