One off Story

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Since Amy came back from Europe things between her and Ty have been a little strained, trying to get back to where they were Just before she left.
She knew she was a nightmare for the first few weeks, but she was back to her old self again now and working with horses.
After two months, her and Ty were getting back to where they were, and Amy was really trying hard to lighten things up between them.
They hadn't been out as a couple since before she left and that's what they needed, so she started making plans.
Amy no longer worked for Ahmed after what he pulled in france, Ty means far to much to her than working for him.
But Ahmed isn't going to let that stop him.
Amy suggested to Ty that they go out to the movies , Maggie's after and then back to his place Ty thought that sounded like an excellent Idea.
Amy popped into town to get what she needed for tonight, she thought about how shocked Ty was going to be but hopefully very happy , she was certainly looking forward to some special time spent with Ty, it was time to move their relationship forward and sex was top of her agenda as they'd waited to long already as far as she was concerned.
Amy no longer cared what her Dad or Grandfather thought anymore, she was 22 and a grown woman, the Wedding was due in about 6 months or sooner if she got her way she couldn't wait.
If there was any problems at home, she'd move out, that's how determined she was.
Later on Amy came out of her room all dressed up ready for her Date with Ty.
Lou, Peter and Katie , Jack n Lisa and of course Tim were eating Dinner and all stopped to Look at a beautiful young woman stood in front of them.
They all mentioned how great she looked except Tim.
"I hope he doesn't think he's getting dessert tonight Amy".
"DAD, that is nothing for you to know about, our relationship is between us and private and has nothing to do with you, so please mind your own business".
" It is my business, your my daughter and......."
"Shut up, I'm an Adult woman and I'll please myself what I do and when, I do not need you interfering in my Love life, not that I actually have one because of all your threats".
"I still have a right......
"TIM, SHUT UP" Amy's a grown woman , what she does is her business and no one else's, not even you TIM". Lisa shouted.
Lou walked up to Amy and wrapped her in her arms , "have a great time and take precautions ".
"Why'd you think I went into town Lou , So you know, I won't be back tonight" amy whispered .
"Okay ".
She saw Ty come in and as Tim started to shout threats about him touching his Daughter, Amy grabbed his arm and took him outside to the truck.
"What was that about ".
"You know my Dad, thinks he can threaten people to do what he wants, it's because were going out even though were engaged ".

"You know dam well there engaged Tim, and even though I may be old fashioned I respect that things are different in this day and age. So what about you and Casey sleeping together".
"That's my business Jack".
"Oh, is that right Dad, I think we should have a word with her, you know , put her in the picture about not being married etc".
"OKAY, stop with the questions".
"Not nice is it Tim".
Amy came back in the morning, Ty dropped her off and headed off to college. Amy had a smile on her face after last night, she couldn't get over how having bodily skin contact with Ty made her Love him even more than she did already".
Amy had seen her Dad's Truck parked and noticed that her Grampa's Truck was gone, so she assumed they'd probably gone out.
She walked in the house and saw her dad leaning against the worktop but no one else. "Where have you been ".
"You know dam well where I've been, me and Ty went out last night and it was late by the time we got back to the Trailer, and as an Adult that is my business and nothing to do with you".
"So you spent the night with him".
"He's my Fiance Dad, were getting married in about 6 months time so yes I stopped the night".
Tim's hand was so fast Amy didn't see it.
Thirty minutes later Jack and Lou pulled up by the Ranch House fence and decided to get a coffee first then unload the truck.
As they both walked in they saw Amy laying on the floor, still wearing her beautiful mid-thigh green/black Dress , there was some dried and some fresh blood around her mouth , they both rushed to her and Jack pointed to the side of her face. "Grampa is that a Welt mark".
"Yes Lou, someone has smacked her hard, check her head for a bruise because that sideboard bookcase looks as if something or someone has hit it, there's books on the floor and ornaments knocked over".
"Here Grampa, side of her head, feels like a small egg".
"Let's get her to the couch Lou".
Just as they were about to lift her Lisa walked in.
"What on earth has happened Jack".
"This is how we found her about 5 minutes ago, look at that Welt mark on the side of her face, and she has a bruise on the side of her head which looks like she hit the bookcase. We were about to move her to the couch".
"Okay, I'll help too".
They were Sat at the kitchen table while Doctor Viriani checked Amy out. She asked who did this and without a thought she accused her Dad, "He hit me because I spent the night with Ty my Fiance".
Dr Varani took Photo's and called the police about Domestic Abuse naming Tim Fleming.
When Ty found out he went nuts, Amy and Lou had to calm him down to stop him going after Tim.

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