Beside the stream.

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Tobys POV:

I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, my eyes felt puffy and my body felt stiff...I didn't want to move. I wanted to...

Go home.

I hate it here, I'm not aloud out my room until masky and hoodie are back from their mission..being stuck in here sucks, my time in my new "home" has been hell.

I was thinking to myself as I stared at the door..I wanted to go but I was going to get in trouble, but..

You know what?

Fuck it.

I sat up and walked over to the door, unlocking it and creaking it open slightly, there wasn't anymore in the halls..I mean it is 2am so it doesn't really surprise me, mostly everyone here were lazy bastards anyway.

Well, everyone that I have met that is

I stepped out my room hesitantly, silently closing the door behind me.

I walked down the halls cautiously checking behind me after every step, and to the staircase.

I padded downstairs and then walked outside, I decided that it was maybe a good thing to go for a walk to clear my head..

I shut the door behind me and started walking deeper into the forest as I went, I don't know why I felt a something or rather..


Was watching me, its a weird feeling that I'm not used to.

I reached a stream that blocked my path. Letting out a sigh I just sat down excepting defeat, there was no way over the stream without getting wet, the others would be able to tell I had been out.

A bit of time passed and I was laying on the grass, staring at the stars, letting the soft breeze flow through my fluffy hair.

I heard the rustling again. I sat up and stared around I couldn't understand where it was coming from.


That was until something jamp on my back, my whole body now being pinned, my head forcefully be pushed against the dirt. I couldn't move my head to see who it was.

My tics increased, I was trying to push them off of me, but it was no use.."they're too strong..." I thought to myself, could it be masky?

"m-masky?" I managed to get out, my tics not making it any better. As soon as I said masky I felt the grip release that the other had on me.

I stayed quiet for a few moments before I sat up.

"I'm sorry, I know I got told not to leave my room but I needed fresh air-" I turned around to face masky(?) "But cmon Timo-" I wasn't looking at masky at all, I was looking at a taller male with a black hoodie and a blue mask kneeling down to my height, as I was still basically laying on the ground.

I saw his mask and that was enough for me to run. I ran as fast as I could back to the mansion.

I got cut a lot of times by passing branches but it didn't mind me, the "perks" of being immune to pain.

I heard him close behind me and I kept running, my heart "in my head" basically, I could hear my heart as if it was in my ears.

I saw the mansion and I bolted it for the door, I got in locked it and ran upstairs.

Pushing my door open and quickly locking it again.



595 words- (not including this)

EJ x TicciToby || cursed ship time Where stories live. Discover now