Part 11

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I thank the custodian and open the door as he walks away. I open it all the way and look at Bakugou. His eye bags are horribly dark, and his eyes are visible red and puffy. He wipes around and ducks his head. I slowly head in. When I announced the parent meeting, I made sure I was looking at him, he visibly got tense and even started bouncing his leg.

 After that, he seemed to zone out, then out of nowhere, he got up and ran out of the class. When he did, I caught a glimpse of his face pure fear. As soon as I made sure the class wouldn't fallow, I called the present mic and sprinted after him.

 It took me some time, but a student pointed me in this direction, I assumed he went to one of the bathrooms. I heard sounds coming from this one, and when I had tried getting him to answer, there was nothing but the sound of shuffling. After 5 minutes of no response, I got a custodian to open the door.

I slowly walked to him, "Bakugou, I already saw the eye bags. What wrong?" he glares at me "nothing. I'm fucking fine" I raise an eyebrow "you had another panic attack, that's the second one this week pluses judging by your eyes, you haven't been sleeping any better." He grimaces, he bits his lip and looks to the side "look, I had a panic attack because I had memories of my mother dying when you said teacher conferences okay, that's also why this week has been crappie. it's the anniversary of her death, so just leave me the fuck alone, okay."

I stare his mother's dead, "why weren't we informed of this" he glares at me, "because it wasn't your fucking business". He turns back around and continues applying the makeup. I see his hands are still shaking, something's off about his story. I sigh I need to find out "and your father" I watch him carefully he still duking his head. His voice is shaky when it come out "on a b-business trip" he winces probably at the stutter I seriously doubt that the whole truth. Wait that means he home alone right know "how long is he gone for"

Bakugou sighs, turning around and glaring at me this time his voice is normal if not a bit tense. "like another few weeks or some shit, the hell if I know" I blink that child neglect if he was gone for more than a night a few days at most that would be fine but weeks.

 "is there anyone there with you" he blinks looking up and frowning "why the hell would there be I can take care of myself." So he has been left alone for who knows how long, and he will be for a few more weeks. He grabs his bag and pushes past me. I reach out and grab his arm. He filches jerking out of my arm. Shit, that's not good, okay, deep breaths, you got this.

He glares at my hand. "I can't let you go to an empty house for two weeks without supervision," he yanks his hand. I let him go, he glares at me, looking utterly confused as to why it's a problem. "why the hell not" he glares. 

Does the kid seriously not know that it's wrong to be left for a weeks, no he thinks it's normal, which means it happens often. This was a serious issue. There was no way I was letting this stand. First, get more information before he shuts down "how long has he been on his business trip" he glares waying my words and surges, "2 days" I feel like he's not telling the truth, don't push through try another route.

"How often does he go on business trips that last more than a few days" he blinks at me, suspension in his eyes "why does it matter" I grit my teeth. I'm not getting anywhere.

"kid do you know what child neglect is" is reaction is very telling. He flinches, and his eye snaps meeting mine. His eyeshine with fear then covered with anger, his mask slipping back on. "of course I do teach" he leans back casually "that's not what's going on though, he give me money for food and crap when he's gone. Plus, if there imagery we have a family friend nearby" I blink that was better at lest he has food, but it was still illegal

"leaving you alone for more than a few days is neglect, Bakugou" he opens his mouth but I raise my hands "you will come live with me intel your father comes back from his trip." That will give me enough time to form a case. He glares "do I have a choice" I blink at him. 

Of course he does. I don't like that he thinks he doesn't. "yes, you always do. If you have an acceptable adult that you want to go to, of course, can." he winces, "fuck no, I'm not going to Deku's house. Fucking fine all come" I blink Deku, interesting was that the close family friend, I push the thoughts away focus on the immediate. I nod satisfied that he's coming. "you can go home early to get ready."

Now I had to contact mic to let him know of the situation. I also had to let Shinso and Eri know we would have Bakugou staying with us for a while. Indefinitely if I got my way and he wanted to. Then I would go to Nezu and we would start that paperwork and investigation.


I just nod, not like I really have much of choice. I head home to pack for a few weeks. I had no clue how I was going to get out of this. I had two weeks to find a fake dad or convince mine to come over. I wince. Well, this went down the hole. Fast

When I reach home I grab, my duffle and start stuffing clothes and necessities in to it as well as hiding my knife, bandages, and pain meds. After that I make sure I have all the school stuff I glace at the room; I have almost everything. I shrug and stuff the rest into the duffle and backpack, just a few boxes of mementos. After that, my room was pretty bare. I didn't bring much from America, and I didn't buy much her all my belongings could fit in one large duffel bag and a school backpack it was a little depressing.

I place the bag near the door and go to clean out the fridge so that I don't come back to spoiled food. After that, I just sit down and start scrolling through my phone. I go through the messages from the squad. There badgering me about where I went, if I'm okay, why I'm not in class. I sigh, pulling up the group chat they forced me in.

Blastyboy: shut up, idiots. I'm fine. I was allowed to go home for family reason

Pinky: You're alive!!! What happened? Is your family okay?

Pikabitch: Ya blasty what happened

Blastyboy: It none of your fucking business. What happened? It private so fuck of.

I turn of the chat and let my mind drift.


I sigh on my way to the Bakugou household, Midoriya told me of his conversation with Bakugou it gave me a little more incite and made me want to get him into my house even faster. I spent most of the day working with Nezu, to draw up the forms we would need. I had a social worker friend I pulled a favor with, we could at the very least get him out of the house on terms of neglect, and I had just been approved to take him.

We need to wait for a few things to go through. Primary finding out where his father was, and hopefully get him to sign over custody if not then bring it to court with the knowledge we had. If we could find out where his father was, that would help. I pulled a few more strings and had a genius support maker looking up and finding him.

Mic was all for welcoming a new child, and Eir was exited; Shinso was sadder that we needed to or that Bakugou's house life was bad enough to need our help. But he was excited to get to help. The main issue would be having Bakugou corporate with us. If it went to court, we would need his testimony. Hopefully, we wouldn't need it.

I pull up to his house. It looks decent but definitely not well taken care of. The lawn is done, but the house itself could use a few reapers. I go up and ring the doorbell. I hear footsteps then Bakugou opens the door. He has a backpack and a duffle bag. He steps out and closes and locks the door. He glances at me "you going to stand there teach or are we going" he says, a small smirk on his lips. If his hand wasn't shaking, I would believe he wasn't nervous at all. I sigh and motion him to the car. He gets in the back with his bags. I glance at the front but don't question it.

Neglected Bakugou (depressed Bakugou x Kirishima)Where stories live. Discover now