Author's Note

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Hello our faithful, amazing and patient readers,

Just wanted to give you an update. Clo and I have finally had a chance to coordinate in writing the story. Her husband is healing (doing better, but still healing) and we're able to discuss the story. Chapter fourteen and chapter fifteen are written. We just started chapter sixteen tonight (April 9, 2020). We're getting close to the end of the story.

With that being said, we're hopeful to have the story completed by this summer. We won't start posting updates until we get the story complete. That way, we can adhere to our updating schedule.

Sorry ... I'm such a planner. It's the teacher in me ~ Tufano79

Once we get that finished, we'll begin posting and hopefully have it completed by the summer.

Thank you for your patience and for your well-wishes for Clo's hubby.

See you on the flippity-flip.

All the best,

HeartForTwilight and Tufano79

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