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Minho placed a single gentle kiss against the side of Jisung's neck before digging his teeth into the soft skin. Jisung screamed and dug his nails into Minho's shoulders at the unexpected feeling. A few tears escaped his eyes, but Minho kissed them away, leaving smudges of blood in their place. Jisung felt weary, but this was bliss. He grabbed Minho's face with both hands and pulled him into another kiss.

He could taste his own blood on Minho's lips, and he relished in the intensity of the crimson kiss they shared.

Once more, Minho licked the blood from Jisung's neck. Jisung shivered and whispered Minho's name. He never would've thought being torn into like this would feel good, but here he was, beneath the man who had done just that and brought Jisung a pleasure words could never do justice.

Minho let his hands roam Jisung's body above and beneath his clothes. He tested Jisung's reactions and acted accordingly, determined to make the boy feel good after the pain of the first bite. Another bite, softer and deeper this time, and Jisung yelped out Minho's name as his whole body shook from the euphoria Minho brought him. Blood had soaked into his shirt and the sheets beneath him. He felt weak, drained literally and figuratively.

"Jisung, would you like a taste of immortality?" Minho asked, pulling away from Jisung.

"Immortality?" The boy weakly asked.

Minho nodded. "When I said they'll never take me alive... because I'm already dead," he said. "Won't you come with me and taste immortality? You're dripping from the ecstacy. Take pleasure in the pain." He wiped blood from the corner of Jisung's lips and whispered, "You're not the only boy to scream my name, but the first I can't resist. So here's one last crimson kiss. Your one chance to live forever. Here. With me." He kissed Jisung gently and lifted him out of bed, carrying him back to the dining hall they'd had dinner in earlier that night.

Jisung nuzzled his face against Minho's neck and mumbled, "I want to taste immortality. Where the blood pours out like rain. I want to be with you."

He sighed when Minho gently set him down on the floor. When he returned, Jisung was waiting patiently on his knees as he had been earlier, but no rosary this time. No, tonight was far from holy. Jisung was kneeling, looking deliciously disheveled, his eyes burning with lust, and his shirt and face were decorated with his blood.

Minho stood in front of Jisung and ran his fingers through the boy's hair. "We can come back to this part later," he teased. "But for now, let's focus on turning you. Drink this." He handed Jisung a chalice filled halfway with a swirling black liquid. "Drink it," Minho commanded. Jisung did as he was told.

"What was that?" Jisung coughed, feeling like he'd just drank strong alcohol and it was burning his throat.

"Blood," Minho answered nonchalantly. "If you're going to be a vampire, you'd better get used to it, and fast. You'll think nothing of it in no time."

Jisung shifted uncomfortably on his knees. "Whose... whose blood was it?"

Minho took the empty chalice from Jisung's hand and told him, "Mine."

Whether that was grisly or romantic, Jisung couldn't decide.

"You have to drink vampire blood to become a vampire," Minho explained. "I've had yours and you've had mine. Now we're even."

The burning in Jisung's throat had worsened until he fell to the floor in pain, his chest tightening as he struggled to breathe. "Minho, am I dying?"


Jisung shut his eyes and surrendered himself to death, holding onto Minho's hand for whatever precious time he had left.

After a few minutes, Jisung's hand felt limp and heavy, and Minho knew he was gone. He pulled the boy into his lap and gently kissed the bruised and bloody bite marks on his neck. And he waited.

Nearly an hour later, Jisung's body jolted and he awoke screaming. Minho was happy to see him. He kissed the boy's bloody lips and smiled softly down at him, Jisung returning the smile.

"Welcome back, my prince."

happy halloween & thanks for reading!

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