Tagged by @Dawn_Hikari

22 5 56

Lol thnx for tagging Dawn_Hikari but it's so long😒...u r plain evil😒😂😂😂 ok let's do this.... It's a looooonnnngggg one (1320 words) .....

1. Full name

2. Zodiac sign
Sagittarius....but when I last checked....I sometimes behave like a Scorpio too 😂😂😂 ik I am weird

3. 3 fears
✓I will give in to every one of my temptations (my temptations r scary)

✓my parents & sibling will know me inside out, feel disgusted & cause a massive reaction

✓ my bff would get bored of me (sorry if it sounds like my bf is leaving me but I love her so much 🥺)

4. 3 things I love
✓ fanfics
✓ coffee
✓ talking & reading fanfics at 3 am 😂

5. 4 turn ons:
✓ reading fanfics
✓ chatting with anyone on any app (especially my bff)
✓ watching BTS
✓ writing poems/story on a paper with pen...... I meant to say....like writing; NOT typing (there's a huge difference)

6. 4 turn offs:
studying shitty chemistry theories
reading a really bad fanfic
somebody trying to defame/ plagiarize/hurt BTS
getting in an argument with somebody

7. My bff?
Yup my bff is the coolest, best & craziest creature ever!! Oo I remember she's an alien but....I think she's beautiful too! Inside & out.....I love u soooooo muchhhhh❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

8. Sexual orientation
As I have said in one of my previous tags too....I.... don't think I am in an appropriate age or phase in life to decide that. I maybe anyone; but it doesn't change me. I shall still be the same person. I like who I like! It should be none of your business. All that matters is.... I like that person; that person likes me & that's it.

9. My best first date
Lol I never went on a date 😂😂😂 but hey I am just a teen & as usual my life is literally fucked up. So no thnx to complicated feelings which might lead to nothing in the future. That's my thought, for now.

10. How tall am I?
5.3 feet the last time I checked.....it was over 6/7 months ago!

11. What do I miss?
Just the..... hectic life of school I guess! My gallery & storage is full of messages, PDFs & pictures from school's official group.  😑

12. What time was I born?
Around 9 am

13. Fav colour

14. Do I have a crush?
If u count my crush on Wattpad then yes I have a crush XD

15. Fav quote
Since I have already said 2 of my fav quotes in one of my previous tags sooo.... Let's post another one this time.... I wanna say another quote too...both r similiar almost...so yeah..

"I was the hero, who was forced to be the victim and ultimately turned into the villain."

"I am not the monster you think I am, I am the monster you wanted me to be."

I just feel....I can relate to them sometimes....maybe...

16. Fav place
My bed currently

17. Fav food
Duh I am a foodie so guess yourself

18. Do I use sarcasm?
Every chance I get 😂😂😂 sorry

19. What am I listening to rn?
Switching between:
"Blood sweat & tears" by BTS
"It ain't my fault" by Zara Larsson

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