5. Twenty One.

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Dear Elle,

Happy 21st Birthday!

I can't believe that my baby is all legally grown up and finally 21.

I'm so very sorry that I can't be there to celebrate with you and watch you blow out your birthday candles.

I don't want this to be a sad day, I want you to have a great day. One that you will always remember. You only turn 21 once and it's an age where a new round of experiences become possible and your new found freedom will allow you to explore parts of the world you have never known.

I still remember your very first birthday, June and I went totally overboard for you and Lee even though your Dad and Matthew tried to reign us in. 'They are never going to remember' they kept telling us as we kept ordering more balloons, banners and streamers.

'They won't, but we will'. One day, you and Lee will look back on the pictures and see that maybe you didn't know exactly what that day was, but it was all about you.

We dressed you up. You got spoiled with presents and Lee started crying when Noah blew out his birthday candle.

Birthday's became more special after that, especially once I got sick. As the years progressed, I know what you were wishing for and I how I wish that could have come true. What I would give to hug and kiss you, to stand by your Dad and Brad and sing 'Happy Birthday' and watch you blow out the candle.

You will always be your Dad's little girl, no matter how old you become. Know that we are so proud of the young woman that you are and we are so excited for what's in store for your future. What you have experienced has made you stronger, braver and a survivor. You are a daughter, sister, best friend, graduate and I hope as the years progress girlfriend, graduate, career woman, fiancé, wife and mother.

Miss me today and think of me only for a few minutes but then focus on your day. Prepare for your celebrations, sip some champagne and make a wish when you blow out candles. Hopefully I can help it to come true!

You are so loved by the people who surround you and I hope that you have the most wonderful day and night.

I love you and will always be with you.

Happy 21st Birthday Elle

Love, Mum.

P.S - Give my love to Lee on his 21st Birthday.

Elle POV

The Flynn residence was bustling with people. Decorators. Caterers. Bartenders. Friends. Family.

There were people everywhere. When June had said that she was taking care of our 21st birthdays, I honestly thought a small dinner and maybe a small gathering with our friends.

Yeah, I was wrong. Boy, was I wrong.

June had kept Lee and I up to date about the theme, food and drinks. She had hounded us for our guest lists and made sure that Noah and I were home at least three days before. I was already booked in for a pamper session later this afternoon with June, while the boys had been ordered to man the deck and make sure that the set up went off without a hitch.

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