chapter 3

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"BRYAN OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW BEFORE I BREAK IT DOWN!"  Something about Mitch you should know about is that you should never and I mean NEVER make him angry. When he is angry you can't stop him unless he has let his anger out. Normally he would be able to release stress of Bryan being rebellious by just shouting at him but he has had enough of Bryan. Just yelling at him would not help in this situation. Mario was the second worst when it came to being angry. He never got as angry but he could still get extremely angry. He is more of a shouty type when he is angry. Colin was least angry person but that doesn't mean he is kind when he is angry. He is someone who would talk in sweet tone but would actually be say extremely mean world with that tone. One time Mario was telling Bryan off when he stuck his tongue out and Colin said in his deadly sweet tone that he would cut it of if he didn't put it back in his mouth.


Bryan was sat in his room shaking terribly. Tears streamed down his face. Normally he would be able to fight back but this time was different. He felt too weak to be even move. He wanted to escape through the window but he knew they could smell him in  the room so he needed to stay in the room despite his biggest fear behind the door. "Bryan open the door. We wouldn't want the punishment to be worse, would we?" Colin said with his deadly sweet voice. Bryan never answered he still was just sat there crying and shaking. All three of them couldn't take this any more. "i'll be right back," collin said to his brother. It took about 2 minutes until Colin came back. "Where did you go?" Mario asked him bother him and mitch turning to look at him. "To ask Marshie if i can have a hair pin," Collin walked over to the door and started to pick lock at the door. They were about to give up until.*Click* All four of the dragon slayers heard the door unlock. The older three all smirked. Collin was the one to open the door walking in after. The other two followed after Mario closing the door after. All three walked over to Bryan. Bryan was curled up in a ball shaking violently. "Stand.Up" Bryan did what Mitch told him to do. Mitch then slapped him hard across the face. "I.Don't.Ever.Want.You.To.Ever.Disobey.Our.Orders.AGAIN" "Yes..." "Yes what!" Mario spat out. "Yes s-sir" "Good" Mitch and Mario went to go leave when Mario said "You coming Colin" "Give me a second" Colin the walked over to Bryan and pick him. He then walked over to Bryan's bed and placed him down pulling the cover over him. He then grabbed Bryan's hair and forced him to look at him. "You know Bryan we don't like doing this. But your actions have consequences now I would behave if I was you because we both know You will get more than just a slap across your face if you do this again. " Collin let go of Bryan's hair and walked over to the door. He then closed the door behind him.


Bryan loved his brother even if they got angry a lot. He loved them because if he was in danger they would be their to protect him. Bryan thought that if he followed his brothers rules then they could be happy together and not be angry. Bryan thought about this all the time. He blamed everything on himself. Bryan then started to think about Jakey blushing as he did. 

Hello, two chapters in a day!!!

could we make it 3???

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