Chapter one: The Legend

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Okay so this is the first chapter. I want to wait till I have about maybe thirty reads (and some critques about it) before I continue. Do you like it so far? It is very unedited at the moment as it is typed up and then posted. Is there anything you do not like so far? Does the story flow? Should I continue? Eh? EH? D; Also looking for a book cover if you are interested let me know, I'm willing to dedicate you in a new chapter or even write you in as a supporting character.


   Chapter One: The Legacy

Blinking slowly the room came into view. A grey drab space only the size of a small house was decorated with limited furnishings. Smoke was constantly hanging around the room. The smoke contained a potion that left the body slow and sluggish. Laying down staring at the thick smoke hanging above her Alcatore lazily swept her fingers through the air; small obscure patterns of smoke swirled and dissipated above her head. Today was the day; she was going to leave her cage. “Naim druic jaidhi ki au.”

In this endeavor, she had already decided, she would leave and travel to all the places she had heard about. She would travel to an actual city--- living in the cage that she did she had her reasons to doubt that civilization existed anymore. The concept of there being something outside of her prison waiting for her to find sent a devilishly chilly feeling down her spine.

She wondered if they had as many people in them as she thought they did. Was there only one planet inside this universe?  If there was actually something outside of the prison she lived in... Was there anything out there aside from empty space? When she finally broke the shackles that held her would she find a physical world waiting for her, or the frightening reality that nothing waited for her outside of the space there was only the prison in which she had currently occupied for hundreds upon hundreds of years? Her wondering mind and questions made something bubble up from the depths of her Nibu. She could not manage to place exactly what emotion it was.

Shrugging off her lingering thoughts she rose from the dingy grey lounge chair and stretched. Heavy lidded she took one last look around the home she had lived in for over a millennia. Curtains had been hung over the windows and used to separate her room into multiple parts like a real home. They covered everything but one window.

The drapes from that window adorned her body. Being immortal and finally growing into her adult shape meant her children’s clothes would never fit her. She was lucky that the drapes covered her vital areas and even helped to alleviate the pain from the tight bangles adorning her feet and hands.

As she moved the jangle of small chains shook the air and created more eddies in the room. It centered on the small ornate bracelets, necklaces, and chains that adorned Alcatore’s body. The jewelry was her ball and chain. It limited her power and weighed her down. It was meant to exhaust her every move to where she would only be able to sit and waste away.

What her imprisoners did not expect was that she was immortal to an extent and was perfectly content to sit and collect dust for as long as she needed to. She had spent most of her life lost in the darkness this prison was nothing to her. She paced the room her eyes constantly focusing on one wall in particular. As her breathing sped up and deepened so did the vibrations and gentle jingling of her jewelry.

She walked to the edge of her prison, today she would be freed. She had spent countless days and nights calculating every part of her plan to leave, nothing would stop her. Never again would she allow herself to be contained. She would envelop the world.  With an angry and determined look she placed her hand on the wall, channeling what energy she had been storing for thousands of days on end through the light and colors of the room the air whirled around her and her jewelry began to clang together the tinkling music the only sound in the room. Thin ribbons of energy trailed out of the wall and into her.  A small hole appeared. With increasing intensity the hole grew bigger. Everything was dead quiet only her heavy breathing continued until faintly a chant could be heard. The repeated words grew in their number and sound. “Shield the shelter. Build the wall.”

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