Semi-Finals Pt. 2

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"You're going to be the death of me Midoriya!!" Recovery Girl ranted, wheeling over to the boy in one of the cots in her rolling chair "What were you thinking- no, were you even thinking at all?!" she fumed "Ooh you're so lucky I don't have my cane on me otherwise I'd smack you!"

"Never stopped you from hitting me before" Izuku grumbled, trying to disappear from sight into the mattress. She whacked him angrily with her pen "Ow! See what I mean?! Shouldn't you be trying to heal your patients not injure them further??!"

"If you're uninjured enough to talk back you're uninjured enough to get a few extra hits" she snipped as she helped him out of his uniform "Let's see the damage this time, can't possibly be worse than what you did to poor Todoroki"

"Poor Todoroki??!" Midoriya squeaked offendedly "He stabbed me, iced me and tried to set me on fire!!"

"You're no saint either" Chiyo retorted "The poor child has a concussion, bruised ribs, several cuts and poisoning from whatever was in that knife"

"He's in better shape than me" he muttered, wincing as he began pulling back on his makeshift bandage "Besides, the poison will leave his system in a few hours at most and he's sleeping it off so he'll be fine-Ow ow ow ow ow!!" he squealed as she tugged at the cloth impatiently "That stings Shuzenji-Sama!! Slowly!!"

"You did this to yourself so suck it up."

"What-" soft knocking interrupted their bickering and they glanced over at the door

"How's he doing?" Thirteen asked softly, poking their head into the room before entering

"Still alive and sassy as ever unfortunately" Chiyo huffed, finally peeling back the bloodstained shirt "...Did you cauterize your own wound out in the ring?"

"He what??!!" Thirteen shrieked, racing over to where the boy lay "Midoriya! Are you telling me you cauterized a wound on your side, near your vital organs without, first of all the proper sanitation, second, the necessary medical equipment and third and most important of all- NO MEDICAL DEGREE OR EXPERIENCE??!! Be lucky I can't legally use my quirk on you!! Give me that." they snatched up the pen from Recovery Girl and started hitting Izuku on the head "Have you learned nothing?! Nothing at all from my lessons??!"

"Ow!! Sensei!! -Sama said I have a concussion stop!" he wailed

"All in all he didn't do too badly" Chiyo admitted "For an amateur of course"

"I've had it done before on my leg when parkouring" Izuku told her, trying his best to block the assault from his teacher "So it's technically not my first time"

"Well I suppose I can't let my best marketeer stay in bed half-dead" she chuckled, rolling over to her desk for supplies "I can't heal you up right away, you don't have nearly enough stamina for that so it's lights out for you so I can do the basics" she held up a large needle with a clear liquid in it and Midoriya paled

"Is that size really necessary?" he whimpered "I can just rest up, I'm tired enough to pass out on my own..."

"Fine. But I want you asleep within the next five minutes or else." She threatened


"Sleep well troublemaker" Thirteen sighed defeatedly, patting their student gently on the head as they got up to leave "We're all very proud of you, even if you do give me a heart attack from time to time"

"Thanks Sensei" he grinned, giving a big yawn and settling into the cot, starting to snore softly almost immediately

"What are we gonna do with him Recovery Girl?" Chiyo looked up from where she was going through her supply cabinet

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