[ three ]

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Reed went back to Jason's flat that night.

Let himself indulge in a little bit of sin.

Let himself get lost in the feeling of Jason's hands on his skin. Roaming all over him, leaving trails of white fire. Knew it was wrong, but did it anyway.

Because Jason was so soft, and accommodating. Gentle with him. Held him in those strong arms of his, but never once did Reed feel pain.

He felt safe with Jason. Always did.

Even if the other never knew that they had met before.

Afterwards, they lay together. Reed wrapped up tight in Jason's arms. Listening to his heartbeat. His human heart.

Reed can hear it, thumping slowly against Jason's ribs. Calmly, opposed to how quickly it had been going about fifteen minutes before.

A wonderful feat of creation it was, to make something as complex as a human heart. A human brain. The breadth of emotion that humans could capacitate.

Reed knows that he shouldn't love a human. Shouldn't even be interacting with them. Other than to bring the sinners, the ones who break Nature's law - his law - to Death.

Jason is a sinner, to a small degree.

It would have been worse, much worse, if Reed hadn't intervened at certain parts of his life. Visited him when he needed it most. Lead him back to the light.

And while being held here, and feeling safer than he has for a while, he knows he's done a good job of taking care of Jason. He knows he's brought him closer to the light than he ever would have managed without help.

He's pleased that he doesn't have to drag Jason off to meet Death.

Doesn't know how he'd cope if he ever did have to do that. So decides not to think about it any more.

Just stays, content.

Where he is.

And where he will stay.

[ 314 words ]

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