Chapter 8

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Riyaz goes to a corner to attend the call.

On Call

Manjul - Bro, Where are you??

Riyaz - Bro, I am in a police station.

Manjul - Bro, why are you in police station? Did they got to know about our identity?

Riyaz - no, they don't. Bro, can you come here and get me out from here.

Manjul - ok, don't worry. I am coming.

Riyaz - thank you so much, bro. Bye.

I cut the call and went inside. Oh god, that stupid is still arguing with the police. He is in lockup now. But he still arguing. When the police ask me why we had fight. I am about to say but again he interrupt me.

Anirudh - oh officer, he can't give the answer coz he is the only one who punched me first.


Pm - why are you shouting? You can say calmly. It's police station not your house, ok. Do you also want to be in the lockup?

Riyaz - sorry, sir. I am saying the truth.

I glared at the man, he was smirking at me. Why the...ugh! Ok, I have to calm down. I ask to the pm that can we go home as we are not wrong.

Pm - yeah, you can go, just sign on this and go.

Riyaz - ok, thank you so much.

I just sign it. I ask avu to come with me. She also get up but the policeman again stop me.

Pm - wait, what's your relationship with the girl?

Riyaz - I am her boyfriend. What happen?

Pm - you can't take her alone in late night. We can't trust you even if you are her bf.

Avu - (roll her eyes) but I trust him. It's enough for me.

At that time, bro came.

Manjul - what happen, riyaz?

Riyaz - they are saying that I can't take avu with me. They can't trust me.

Manjul - officer, we are her close friends. We can drop her.

Pm - I said we can't let a girl go alone with boys even if they are bf or close friend. You got it.

Avu - ok ok, but I can't call my family as I am at police station for the first time. I can't make them worry.

Pm - then, you can call your close friend who is a girl.

Avu's POV :-

What should I do now! They don't let me go with riyaz and manjul. I can't call my family too. Who should I call? Ok, let me call Sophi. She can help me. But what will she think of me? She is little bit angry with me as I dumbed that siddharth. Ahh..but I have no choice. I have to call her.

I call her and she pick up the call instantly. I tell her everything and ask to come here. She agreed.

Riyaz - avu, what did she said?

Avu - she will be here in 10 min.

Riyaz - oh ok, so me and bro will go first.

Avu - ok, bye baby. See you

Riyaz - yeah, bye

Manjul - bye, beautiful.

They went from there. After sometime, Sophi also come.

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