1.0 Baby Mama

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She was my light, my dawn and my breaking horizon. If people were made of water, I would be a sprinkle and she'd be a hurricane. We were complete opposites that couldn't be more right for each other.

We met unexpectedly, in fact I think it was against fate for us to meet. But we did anyway. I thought after that, I would forget about her, but she stood out like black ink on a white piece of paper.

Impossible to miss, impossible to not see, and impossible to forget about.

I mean, who couldn't? She walked with such an artistic way to her hips that made every pair of male eyes stop and stare from a mile away. Her hair such a rich, soft and silky brown that all you wanted to do was run your hands through it. And I did, many times.

I couldn't ever stop looking at her, I never stopped staring. She was breathtaking, just like you.

But of all people in this world, she picked me. Why? I guess I will never know.

That's why I want to tell you about her, because I may never have time to sit down and tell you every memory and every emotion and every moment we spent together, but I can write them down.

That's why, my dearest daughter, I want to share with you her story. You need to know about the woman that made my world turn and soon would make it crash and burn.

She was my everything, until you came along. Without you Brinley, I would not be here right now. I would be dead, because I would have nothing else in this world for me to care about.

So for now, until maybe someday when your older, I will sit and write the story of how I met her, your mother. And how my world flipped upside down from the moment I caught a glance of those emerald green eyes.

I will tell you how you came to be, how life was before, and how because of you, my life will never be the same.

So thats the first chapter, more like a prologue actually.

Anyway, I really really really want to hear what you guys think! Please comment!!!

Also, thank you randomthingsbyme for the awesome cover!

Thanks for your support and reads!


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