2.0 Bruises

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*Unedited* Please let me know your thoughts lovelies :) COMMENT and VOTE!!! Please! Thank you all for your support!

Harry flopped down onto his bed, a loud sigh escaping his lips as his eyes fluttered shut.

After a fifteen hour work day, he was finally done recording. The band had taken a few hours longer than expected to record their new song, which meant picking Brinley up late to day care.

And on top of a coffee stained white t-shirt, a parking ticket and a soggy salad for lunch, he picked his daughter up from daycare sick and crying.

He put her down to rest as soon as he got home, only waiting no more than a few minutes before she stopped crying and fell asleep.

Finally, he could relax in some peace and quiet. He loved his daughter, but taking care of her by himself was a lot to ask of a person.

He sighed again and open his eyes, his cheek smashed between his head and the soft, silk comforter.

Looking at the clock to the right of his nightstand, he realized he still had twenty minutes until he needed to get in bed to be ready for tomorrow.

So with a small smile he walked over to his desk that sat across from his King size bed, grabbed his pencil and a new letter, and then began to write.

Well baby girl, it all started with a bruise.

Wait, what am I saying? I am sure that doesn't make any sense, does it? That I met ''her" by giving her a big, black and purple bruise on her creamy, fragile skin. But, it was all an accident, I promise!

It was a mistake of sorts, walking out of the stage area all happy-go-lucky. Little did I know there was someone behind that door. I had never felt worse in my life either, I literally gave the most beautiful woman in the world, the ugliest of bruises.

But, if you want to get all technical and serious (which Daddy isn't good at, and you know it) you could say that it started like this...

"Zayn, mate! That was awesome!" I exclaim, giving him a high five.

Zayn nods his head and smiles, returning the high five as we walk out of the concert entryway.

"I never thought we would actually meet them! My sister would bite my arm off for a chance like this! She is in love with all sorts of American bands." He says with a smile, then slides his hands into his jacket pockets.

We had been waiting for this night forever, were we could finally meet the band members and get their autographs on our guitars.

"So, do you want to get something to eat before we split our ways?" He asks with a chuckle.

I smile and nod my head, jogging towards the back stage door. Nobody was coming this way, seeing we were the last one's out of the VIP signing area.

At least, that's what I thought.

Within a few seconds I reach the door and push with all my might on the stage door, a loud thump! following it.

My eyes get wide and I curse, confused on what thing on the other side of the door that I made that awful sound come out of.

I open the door and walk through, my eyes glancing around for the source. And then, there, on the ground with her hand to her cheek, sat the most beautiful girl in the entire world.

"Oh my!" I gasp, running down beside her. "Are you okay? I do apologize for that, it was an accident I swear."

She looks up at me with her emerald green eyes shimmering with upcoming tears. Her cheek bone is pink and inflamed and her hair looks raffled.

I help her stand up, her stand still held to her cheek.

"Ah, I-I do apologize...again." I stutter, completely stunned by her beauty.

She looks up at me again and wipes her eyes before blushing, putting on a smile to keep the painful tears away. I must have hit her hard.

"No, no...its my fault." She mumbles back, looking at my shoes. "I have had a bad day, seems my luck has just run out."

Zayn steps up beside me with a frown and says to her, "That's a shame. A beautiful girl like you shouldn't ever have a bad day, you deserve much better than that."

"He's right." I add on with a smirk, stuffing my hands into my pockets.

I see her eyes catch mine, her cheeks flush red both from impact and embarrassment.

She shakes her head and frowns, "You don't mean that. You guys don't even know me."

I stay quiet, not sure what to say. She stares up at both of us and puts on a sudden smile.

"Well, thanks for making sure I am okay. You two have a great day." She says, waving as she starts off back down the road.

Suddenly, something hits me like a truck to the lungs. I cannot let this girl go.

I spin around and loudly yell down the street, "Hey!"

Her head turns and she stares at me and Zayn, confused and anxious.

I smile reassuringly and then walk toward her. As soon as I reach her I bite my lip and then find the guts to ask my next question. The question that would soon lead to the fall and redemption of my drama filled life.

"Would you like to get a sandwich?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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