Part Five: Just Friends

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"So, you guys are dating?"

Oliver sat on one side of the table while Angela stared at him, perplexed from her seat. He had invited Angela, Doris, and Gina out to the second breakfast restaurant and made sure that no one would tell his mother.

And no matter how much he despised Doris, she was kinda smart.

He had finished explaining everything that had gone on for the last month, going through the first kiss to their first time (in not as much detail thank god). Oliver sat there with the three women staring at him like he was a confusing math problem.

Before Doris could hit him over the head with her purse, Angela had spoken up. "No. He doesn't like me like that," Oliver sighed, sagging in his seat. "He so does!" Gina protested, pointing her fort at him.

"Are you sure this is Oliver," Doris whispered to Angela, her lip quirking in disgust. Angela rolled her eyes, moving her hand to take away Doris's knife and Gina's fork.


He looked up at her as she looked back at him, sympathetic, "Just tell him. If he doesn't feel the same way then distance yourself from the physical aspect of the relationship, and stay friends if you feel like that could work," She explained.

Oliver poked his fork at the plate of waffles in front of him, sighing, "But won't it make things awkward?"

"Just give it time to build your friendship back up then," Angela suggested, her mouth curling into a soft smile.

"I say do it then wait. If you wait long enough you could inherit all of his money when you guys get married," Doris said, popping a raspberry in her mouth.

Gina cackled and Angela elbowed the Korean women in the side, "You give the worst advice Doris!"

And Oliver thought that, maybe, just maybe, he could build up the confidence to tell Cooper that he liked him. Even if he knew Cooper didn't like him back in that way. He took a deep breath and actually laughed at the girls around him. Catching the three off guard.


It had been a few days before Cooper and Oliver were able to be alone, and it just so happened that it was their second movie night for the month. Cooper took the two of them out to the special drive-in theatre in Staford.

Cooper pulled into the open field where cars were already parked, getting a spot near the middle. They had about an hour before the movie was to start so they could go get drinks and popcorn.

The two of them got out of the car and walked up to the popup stand, holding hands as they did. Holding hands was a new-ish thing they added to the list of things they could do as friends with benefits, and Oliver loved it.

Sometimes, Cooper would lean into him as they held hands, or even give his palm a little squeeze whenever they were alone. They didn't do anything at school, it was too risky and both of them were scared of someone finding out. Well, someone other than Gina, Angela, and Doris.

Oliver and Cooper waited in line together, talking about anything and nothing at the same time, like they usually did. "Oh did you hear! Curt has proclaimed himself completely in love with Adriana," Cooper said, letting out a little laugh.

"I thought he had a girlfriend?" He said, vaguely paying attention. Up ahead he could see someone he thought he knew at the cash register. Then it finally clicked, It was Andrew VandeVorde, the dude from his dance class.

His eyes widened as he began to freak out. He looked down at his and Cooper's clasped hands and let go quickly. Cooper looked at him confused, his mouth twitching into a frown. "What's wrong?"

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