The break

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There's not much I can say
But i knew i had to walk away
You made it about you more than us
So i tried to tell you without having to fuss
But it left me broken
Tossed into a drawer like every common token
I was used
Not abused
I guess you could say it was my fault
So now I lock my heart in this steel vault
I wait for the day it will stop beating
Because taking the easy way out is cheating
I walk along
Act like nothing is wrong
When everything is
But there's no one to tell this
I was left with a broken heart
Now it'll probably never restart
Now what is this a panic attack
All these problems are beginning to stack
I got these nightmares
I stay up late to avoid the scares
Im wishing everyone could see
Who they're talking to is not the real me.

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