Tohka's Special Surprise

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Tohka: Y/N this is so nice of you!

You just gave Tohka a amethyst necklace and she hugged you tight.

Y/N: You're most welcome Tohks.

Tohka: I love it!!!!!!

Tohka keeps on kissing you on your lips and cheek.

Y/N: Tohka, stop, stop, you're making me blush.

Tohka: Good, cause it makes you look like a cherry.

You blush even more and Tohka kisses your cheek and starts to suck on it.

Tohka: Mmmh, so hungry!

Y/N: Well good thing Shido gave me this for you.

You handed Tohka her bread that Shido makes her.

Tohka: Mmmmh so good! Thanks Y/N!

Y/N: Shido made it.

Tohka: Thank you Shido.

Shido wasn't around but Tohka had her earpiece. 

Shido: You're welcome Tohka.

Y/N: Tohka stay here, I'll go check us in and we'll go to our room.

Tohka: Yes sir Y/N, sir!

Tohka saluted to you and you chuckled while giving her a hug before running off.

Timeskip after checking in and entering the suite.....

Tohka walked around with you and you hugged her as she walked to the balcony and she cuddled you as a gust of wind gave her a little chill go down her spine.

Tohka: I don't care where we are Y/N, as long as you're near me I don't care what happens.

Y/N: Same here, I don't care if we don't have much, as long as I have you I will always be happy.

Tohka hugs you and kisses your cheek.

Tohka: Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah?

Tohka: Why are we here?

You got nervous and Tohka smiled at you.

Tohka: I know now.

Y/N: What?

Tohka: We're getting married here aren't we?

Y/N: How did you?!

Tohka: Your eyes looked at my ring and at me.

Y/N: Yeah.

Tohka: Come here you.

Tohka kisses you and you kiss her back.

Tohka: We should get some sleep.

Y/N: Yeah.

You carry Tohka to the bed and you lie on top of her and soon fall asleep next to her.

The next day.....


Tohka shook you and you woke up and held your head. 

Y/N: What?!

Tohka: We're getting married today!!!!!!!

Y/N: Right, okay, go get ready.

Tohka: Okay!

Tohka ran off and you call Shido and the girls and they came over as soon as they could. Origami was going to make it official, she was a government employee after all.

Origami: Y/N!


You feel your heart rate rise and you held your chest.

Y/N: What the fuck Origami?!

Origami: Sorry.

Y/N: You almost gave me a heart attack!

Tohka: Y/N what's wrong I heard you..... ORIGAMI?!!!

Origami: Hey Tohka.

Shido walked in with the girls and he ran to Origami and gave her a hug.

Tohka: SHIDO?!

Y/N: Alright you guys, ready?

Tohka: I am!

Y/N: Alright here.

You held your hand out to Tohka and she grabbed it, Shido stood at your side and so did Miku, the other girls stood at Tohka's side and she smiled at you as Origami spoke, you stared into Tohka's eyes and soon lost track of time.

Origami: Y/N!

Y/N: Hmm? What?!

Origami: I said "Do you take Tohka as your lawfully wedded wife?"

Y/N: You bet your white hair I do!

Origami: Tohka do you.....

Tohka: Hell yes!

Origami: Well that settles it, by the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wife.

You kiss Tohka and she kisses you back, slowly melting deeper and deeper in the kiss.

Tohka: I love you Y/N, my sweet little fire knight.

Y/N: I love you too Princess L/N.

Tohka: You're the best husband I could ever ask for.

Y/N: Glad you think so Tohka.

Shido: Well we'll be going now, bye you two.

Y/N and Tohka: Bye everyone!

Tohka snuggles you and you place her head on your chest, she blushes and gives you a smile,

Tohka: What now?

Y/N: Now, now we face the future together, as a couple, and as a family.

Tohka smiled at you and she gave you a hug as the sun goes down and you both head out to eat to celebrate your big day with Tohka.

Tohka smiled at you and she gave you a hug as the sun goes down and you both head out to eat to celebrate your big day with Tohka

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