Just say Yes

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Chuck looked back and forth between Ryan and Chicharito. He ran his hand through his hair. He aggressively pulled Ryan's shoulder to a corner away from Chciharito.

"What are you thinking?!" His voice beginning to get angry.

"I'm thinking that I've suffered... and I don't want to anymore. " She says quite confident.

"And your dreams? Your hopes, your goals?" His voice getting louder and louder.

"What dreams? Huh? What goals Chuck!! That doesn't exist anymore! It's not REAL! It ended the moment mom made that stupid deal... It became real that moment I stepped on the plane and left Manchester United... and it more slowly began to die when I was engaged to Ochoa, and you know when I realized it was finally over? That I had to give up... and move on and leave... and stop being a-a child..." Ryan was staring to loose it. She had tears rolling down her gentle cheeks. "It was the moment I lost my child... At that moment I realized how badly I messed up how the path I've paved for myself is so... so useless so utterly disgusting..." she says almost whispering.

"No no it's not Ryan..." Chuck began to say but it didn't take Ryan long to interupt him.

"JUST STOP! I'm not a kid anymore... I can't just wait for things to come to me.... i have to make a life for myself... and i screwed that up!" By now Ryan was sobbing.

Chuck was very angry. "Would you STOP being so childish!!!! No your not a kid anymore so STOP acting like one... Your young ... you still have a whole future to pave. You can't live in the past... yes it's been rough... lets face it you made a ton of mistakes here let me list them all for you:
1. You got engaged to someone you didn't love
2. You didn't want anything to do with the one you did love
3. You went to the hospital at Least 3 times
4. You slept with Javier
5. You got pregnant and had no idea who the father was!
But you know what the worst thing you have done is Ryan? You didn't fight for your dreams... You didn't fight mom about staying on Manchester United. No you just went home! But you know what? You've still come so far... And you've still made somthing out of it. You just have to find your way back now... because I know for sure that you haven't let go of everything you believe in... you never did. Allowing Javier into your life is the first step to sanity... now go on and fight. Don't throw it all away again. It's too soon" and with that Chuck left his sister looking like a mess. He left her crying standing in a corner and he made his way back to chicharito.

"Javier... A word?" He asked

"Yes. Look Chuck I never meant any harm..."

"I know. But do you think she's ready... She hasnet made a name for herself... You have! Sure you don't play for Manchester United anymore.... hell you play for one of the best teams... you play on Real Madrid. I'm not saying ditch the girl I'm just saying she's not ready. " Chuck looked down then back at chicharito. He muttered a few words and then walked away.

His words were: you make her happy but in reality your the one who crushed all her dreams.


I know I'm most likely the WORST updated ever. Here is this chapter! I hope you guys like it. Next chapter is gonna be ALL CHICHARITO! So yeah get ready for that. Also... I wanna make this more open... If you guys wanna ask me any questions at all about the story, my life, soccer, or just shtuff in geral go ahead and comment in the box. i will get back to you soon! i hope all of you (if your in the USA) had a wonderful MLK weekend. and the rest of you had a lovely weekend. one more thing before I desend... or actuallt two lol.

1. Im gonna put questions now at the end of my stores for fun and you can answer if ya want or not. your choice. either way yall are awesome for reading this.

2. If you wanna be kept updated about when i will update this story, or just like little tad previews... go right ahead and follow me on twitter... i will keep you updated on that... ill post my username below. Tweet me if you do end up following me so I know. *

ok this is pretty long (sorry! 😁) it ends here! (kind of) below is the question:

question: favorite soccer team?

Username: lautnerluvpll

*This is not just an account for this story, I will soon open an account for this story, but don't expect for all tweets to be about this.

Ps. I love you!
xxxxxxxxxxxxx Gabriela 😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️

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