Doppio eats a slice of bread

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It was the middle of the afternoon. Doppio was in his kitchen trying to decide what to eat. "Well, I could order a pizza for myself... oooh but I did that yesterday! How about some spaghetti? No! I was planning on doing that tomorrow! What to do what to dooooo?!". Doppio gasped when he saw the breadbox in his kitchen. "The answer has been in front of me this whole time!" He exclaimed. Doppio opened the breadbox to get the bread stored inside, you know, because it's a breadbox. "I'll just have some bread!" Doppio said while reaching into the bag of bread. There was only one slice left, an end slice. "That was the last one? I guess I'll have to go shopping tomorrow then".

The pink haired man admired the slice of bread in his hands before shoving the whole thing in his mouth. He ate the bread and then just stood there in the middle of the kitchen with nothing better to do.
Doppio let out another gasp. "My phone's ringing!". Doppio desperately searched the kitchen for his phone. He searched in the cupboards, the drawers, even in the sink! He then noticed the kitchen roll he had by the sink. "I think I'm going blind, it's right there" he said to himself. He picked up the roll and put it against his ear. "Hello, this is Doppio"
"Doppio, why did you eat that slice of bread?"
"Oh! Boss! It's you! I ate that slice of bread because I was hungry"
"You didn't even think of toasting it? Or buttering it? You just ate plain bread?"
"That's correct!"
Doppio stood there in silence for a moment. He didn't actually know why he ate the bread raw.
"And why did you just shove it into your mouth?"
"I uuuuuh... I don't know"
A sigh was heard from the other side of the 'phone'
"Why not?"
"I just... don't know"
Mister Boss Man on the phone was then the one who went silent.
"Beep. Oh, he hung up"

Doppio threw the kitchen roll behind him. "Well, time to go play Animal Crossing" he said, then leaving the kitchen to do exactly as he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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