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Time in Anor Lando was irrelevant on most part. Ever since Gwyn left it was so at least. All things slowly but surely fell into chaos. More people died and got separated so the two of you had been just the simple unfortunate ones in the grand scheme of things. Grwyndolin himself was mostly lead on to keep going by the sovereign rule and nature of his birthright as well as the fact that it has been drilled into him since childhood that their kingdom if one might call it so came first. In that nature Gwyn left to link the fire. To save the world from the coming cold and death. It's the kiln's fire that burnt away the body of sin and chaos but yet it kept coming back and the cycle continued. Undead and abominations of mutants roamed the world seeking death of others in loss of any other means of knowing what was their nature of existence. No to feed, not to become more alive. Just to go on, just to do something with this endless loop of time this world was left in every time the flames in the kiln would go out. Just for another lit ember to turn to kindled and burn to ashes and cinders till the next and so on. This suffering, this pain of never ending repetition.

To you it was foreign and odd since you've died as per say a couple times at least as much as you could recall. then again more deaths might be hidden in the memories you still lacked.

Your reunion with Gwyin's son Gwyingolin was the most fortunate of ones you could recall. You spent endless hours both taking and in silence when either one of you found it hard to come up with things to say or if there was any incoming report of anything from the silver knights. But all in all time went on peacefully at least on most part.

With no need to hide you in Gwyndolin's heart he introduced you to Yorshka, his half-sister and at first the half-breed did not seem too happy with this sudden turn of events.

-"Brother dearest, she is a meer undead, not even a ashen one, just undead. What use of her would you have?" This indeed showed that the was Gwyin's child despite being raised mostly by his son.

A pointed look from the godly half-sibling of her's did make her divert her previously intensive look at you since after her remark you took both of your hands in a hold within each other and looked down in rejection

-"It does not matter in my eyes. Her's is a soul pure of the filth that an ashen one carries. Their hands are soiled in countless dead and unjustly killed where she hasn't even killed a single thing as far as I know. To me it's worth enough that she remains, that she is at my side. And aside of that I've known her before you where even conceived so you will treat her with a respect worthy of one older than you. If you choose to disobey you are free to leave and never seek my aid."

These words felt like shards of ice being thrown at the halfreed's heart. To her Gwyndolin was her treasured family. Nobody else accepted her, nobody else took care of her an here he was, placing down rules just for some undead that just to protect her, in her eyes it felt unjust and heartbreaking.

-"Dear brother are you well? You've never been like this, not even when pontiff visits." With that another can of worms was opened and her beloved brother tightened his grip on the staff he always carried.

-"I would be well if you would stop questioning my decisions and listen to my words and do not bring pontiff in this, he has no business in this. My dealings with that leech of inhuman scum are things we agreed to not talk about outside absolute need for it."

With that Yorshka nodded her veiled head looked down in remorse much like you had.

The two of you where bound to not agree on things, that was certain and in Yorshka's eyes you where a threat not just to what was left of Anor Lando but to Gwyndolin too. What if you lead him down a dubious road, what if because of you he got hurt as well as by the looks of it Yorshka was certain that for you he would not think twice. To her Gwyndolin was the only family that was left for her and thus her love for him was endless like the sea.

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