Brotherly love!

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A man from behind me grabs my shoulders and gives them a firm squeeze. 

“No, I’m not leaving them,” I say. 

The man drags me and brings me back into the building. We walk into a room full of people. Their eyes all on me. I stiffen. What do they want? I see Jade; her eyes are full of sympathy. Then I realise. I’m covered in blood. 

The President stands on his platform looking at me with a smile. 

“Have a good time, Mark? How is your sister? Alice, wasn’t it? Is she still alive?” he says. 

I feel like someone has punched me and kicked me. Like they ripped my heart out. I want to scream at him. But what good is that? Instead, I run at him. I charge into him. I knock him to the ground and I’m on top of him, pinning him to the ground. I claw at his face.

“You fucking bastard!” I shout at him. I punch him multiple times. Arms cling around mine as I swing back to punch him again. They pull me off. I scream at him. I try to release myself but I can’t. 

They take me to a room and lock the door. They can’t let my sister or brother die. If they do, I’ll kill them. Mark my words, I will kill them.

Hours later the door opens. Jade comes in and wraps her arms around me. I’m not in the mood for this. I push her off. I hope she understands why but she has a look of sadness in her eyes.

“They are dead and I didn’t do anything,” I say, breathing heavily. 

Everything that happened seems like a blur. The President walks in and Jade keeps me still. I look up into his vile face, hiding my emotions.

“Without training, you will be going into war. Today. Have a nice trip,” he says, chuckling to himself as he leaves. 

What? I didn’t hear him. Jade lets out a scream. 

An hour later, I dress in an army suit armed and have two AK47’s and a sniper. I look at myself for a moment. I look very different. I don’t look like the boy I was yesterday. Orphaned and lonely.

Many boys my age board the truck. I sigh. We will be dead soon. Within no time we arrive in the trenches. Bombs exploding, guns firing and people screaming. 

I run and take cover. I miss three bullets. I dive and roll in different directions. Anything to stay alive. I see a soldier from the other side run over. He is an enemy, his clothes are different. I can’t see their face. Without a second thought, I fire my gun. They fall in the sand with a thud. Who was it? Something urges me to look. I sneak over and look at the corpse. My jaw drops. Tears well in my eyes. 

I’m looking into the eyes of my brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2012 ⏰

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